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Kelly was driving home crossed by a great malaise, both physical and moral. Her mouth sting slightly; although the surgery had been quite ordinary and Mel had used all the touch he was capable of, he had still removed the wisdom grinding wheel, which had bothered her for some time. The smile had not been deturped, she was sure of it, but she had not had the opportunity to ascertain it, since she wanted everything, except to smile. How could she? They loved each other from high school, they had just brought into the world the fruit of their love and now he betrayed it in the sunlight. True, Donna in recent times had become unsufferent, due to childbirth that had changed her balance. But that didn't justify such a gesture, and it wasn't even the first time. But this time she wouldn't have defended him. In her eyes he was fully guilty. Guilty of having betrayed her best friend's trust with ... the devil who had returned to town. Her hatred for Valerie had remained intact, she had noticed instantly. Immediately after seeing David get on her car, in front of Mel's studio, give her a kiss on the lips and leave for who knows where. What to do? She had to tell Donna. But first she wanted to talk to the 'traitor'. SHe couldn't think of him with a different name. SHe wanted to understand what prompted him to such a mean gesture, she actually had to understand what really happened. Maybe it was nothing. Or maybe it was.
SHe arrived home that it was already dark; the days were getting shorter and shorter, even though the temperature remained absolutely mild. Brandon would be there in less than an hour, she had to prepare dinner, but she just wanted to go to bed and cry from the accumulated nervousness. And she didn't know whether to talk to him about it. She intended to maintain as much confidentiality as possible. Brandon saw Steve on a daily basis and often heard David. He couldn't have kept everything silent for who knows how long. SHe was confused and almost automatically put a frozen food in the microwave and set the table; she had no desire to prepare anything at all. It was also tempted to cancel her commitments for the next six weeks. SHe opened a bottle of Napah Valley Cabernet and filled the glass, draining it all in a single sip. SHe filled it again and looked out the window. She thought of Sammy and it reassured her a little. The little one had spent the day at Jackie's and would also spend the night at his grandmother's; her schedule was clear, she had organized everything but now she didn't know if she felt like it anymore. Walsh arrived after half an hour. He came in and found Kelly still at the window with a glass in her hand and the bottle of wine almost empty on the table behind her back.
"Hi B. – the voice was bad – of course, all great" in a decidedly ironic tone.
"What happened?"
"Nothing, why are you asking me this question?" Now the tone announced tears coming. Brandon, cautiously "Because you drank half a bottle of wine; because you haven't given me a look since I came in ; because I clearly feel that everything is not right."
"I saw David kissing Valerie; it was to be expected. He started again from where she left off: ruining people's lives."
"Ah," Brandon replied, "are you sure?"
Kelly turned around, eyes wet, visibly altered "Of course I'm sure! They were in the car, David kissed her and they left for their ignoble gesture. And Donna unaware of cradles the baby of both of them. Don't you believe me?!"
"Of course I believe you, Kel; it leaves me perplexed, that's all."
– Kelly was even more pressing – Valerie hasn't changed at all, she goes over everyone's lives, not caring about anything but herself and her whims; and you always defended and justified her!" now her voice was a fury.
"Calm down Kelly, I'm not going to justify anyone" Bran almost immediately regretted telling her to calm down.. never, never, never, tell a woman to calm down.
"And instead yes, you always did – the tone was now calm, cold, looking at the sink – leave Brandon."
"You can go"
"Please Kelly, I just arrived, you told me what you saw, I didn't make any comments or take any side; I just want to understand better to help you handle the matter" "It's not necessary, thank you. I want to be alone. Please go away."
Brandon grumbled "As you like Kel – he kissed her on the cheek – I'm at Nat's, if you need me." SHe didn't answer. Brandon got in the car and left. Kelly began to cry copiously. SHe picked up the phone and called Donna.
Brandon was driving in the direction of the Peach Pit, thinking about the few minutes he had passed, he didn't know how to move in that slod of emotions. He was reflecting on what to do when his cell phone rang. UNKNOWN NUMBER "Hello?"
"Hola Walsh"
"Yeah it's me"
", perfect timing; after years that you don't show up, call me just at the least opportune time"
"Why, what happens?"
"Forget it, how are you McKay?"
"Wet; I'm in Ecuador and it's raining. It rains on the fields, it rains on the houses and it rains on my life, just to change"
"I need to talk to you, I need some help"
"I can't talk on the phone, but I'll come to Los Angeles in a few days for my son's birthday and tell you everything. I need your instincts to clear up my ideas and understand which ember I ended up in"
"As in the old days, Dylan"
"Yes, like in the old days"
"don't you want to anticipate anything? Brenda is fine?"
"It's okay. Look, I'm on a public phone, better not to talk from here, the leaves have ears, especially coca ones"
"Ah, great, I get it; do you want me to do an herbal research"
"Something like that"
"Well, text me the name of the city you are in and the coordinates to pick you up at the airport"
"Thank you man; ah, I won't be alone"
"Yes, I know. And I'm happy about it"
"Bye brother."
"Bye brother" Brandon smiled, then he hoped there were really no such big trouble in sight, his friend's voice, knowing that he would soon see him again and especially his sister put him back in a good mood. But she couldn't leave Kelly alone in handling the other thing. She decided to speak directly to Valerie; he had just arrived at the Peach Pit, but he reversed and headed to the Hilton.

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