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Steve got on the train to Greenwich with her. It didn't seem possible to him that the distances had been zeroed that way.
His life was in such a hard and lonely moment. A hundred times he had thought about not going to London. He felt out of this world and instead life had brought her back: Clare.
Not much had changed in her, the traits were softened, the voice even rounder and warmer. The elegant manners.
"I still can't believe I have you in front of me"
"Honestly I don't either Steve"
" I wasn't even coming to London"
"Ah no?"
"No. I guess I have to thank my good star."
"And who knows what it is," she replied in her astral competence.
"I really don't know. But I know there is."
Clare smiled.
"Tell me the news"
"Donna is fine. It's with David and the child. SHe has a small fashion house of her own. Andrea has just come back. SHe is a resuscitator doctor at Cedars-Sinai. SHe divorced like me. She has a daughter like me. Brandon you saw him.. he's deputy head of the news section for the CBS West coast. She's with Kelly, they want to live together but they don't say it. As if seven years hadn't already passed and they have more time to waste" and winked at her.
Clare laughed "Dylan is here with Brenda, Brenda you saw her" closed Steve " but let's talk about you."
"what about me?"
"about you," Steve repeats.
"I took a master's degree in astronomical physics in Paris. I shot a few observers. And I settled here."
"That's all?"
"That's all," she confirmed.
"Have you ever missed me?"
"I went ahead," she said, " but I knew you were married, that you had a little girl, and honestly I went on too," Clare smiled, " now I'm in a relationship with a colleague."
"A colleague?" Steve asked.
"Eh yes" Clare.
"A serious thing?"
"I don't know," Clare replied, she didn't really know.
From the windows filtered the British night. Small lights in the distance.
The train left them on the dock and paraded away with a firm whistle.
"I'll take you home," he said, "unless there's someone waiting for you," he asked worriedly.
"No. There's no one waiting for me, at least not tonight."
They walked with neighbors of heart and bodies.
He felt almost awkward in that parallel and incredible world that fate had made for him. What could he tell her? Could he ask her to walk to Italy and back?
"I wish I had more time than tonight," Steve said.
"Why?" She asked.
"Because I missed you Clare. And it seems to me that my life is falling apart and you are here now. I don't know."
"I don't want you to put hope back in me. I am not responsible Steve. I don't want the weight."
Clare was honest and Steve knew it.
"There is no magical astral conjunction. No fate. I bought a ticket to a play and you were there."
"Don't you think you're too tough Clare?"
"What about you Steve? In these years no calls. No cards. No phone calls. Didn't you be a little tough Steve? What about you?"
"I thought we decided to split up together."
"Yeah" she said looking down "but it hurt anyway" Clare looked around "however I don't want to talk about regrets that we can't solve" she looked at him "it's nice to see you".
Steve took her to hold her to herself "I don't want this night to end."
"We can walk a little more"
"What if ..."
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"I can also resist you, you know?"
Clare raised her eyebrow "I don't think"
"Why don't you test me?"
"You know that when you tease me I give in to challenges."
"I know."
They headed to Clare's apartment and Steve thought that maybe he could feel something different and try not to make the sexual assault his priority.
He wanted to spend the night with her, even just to know in which direction their lives were going. What had happened. He missed a friend. Janet had been her friend for a long time but now she had left, Kel was in a too special time with Brandon, her son, she couldn't throw her problems on her too.
Clare had also been a friend of hers. Very often. Much more than he knew.
They sat on the floor full of pillows and began to talk with a cup of tea in their hands. A weird shot moves away from that room in an outgoing roundup.
She was back. You want luckily, you want it for fun. And he felt part of something.
Somewhere in London
Before she even knocked, Brandon opened the door to his hotel room. He heard her coming. Wherever they were. He felt her coming. Nor did he perceive the movements and thoughts, the restless ribbons intertwined with the soul that drew new trajectories.
He also knew that Brenda's piece had somehow hurt her, it was written everywhere on her face. He had held her hand. He had tried to smile at her several times. He had tried to hook her gaze. And Kel had responded intermittently. She filled him with assurances and reassurance, that it was nothing, that she was fine. None real. That vision of her staged by Brenda had mortified her. It wasn't the mirror she believed in and that she had carved on her. For survival.
"Hey Babe."
"Sammy is sleeping?"
"Yes," Kel sighed, "I don't think he'll wake up, he had a heavy day, Steve news?"
"No. None. But the boy is big he will get away with it. Unbelievable to have found Clare."
"Sometimes miracles happen," she continued.
"People find each other," he ended up reaching out to her to let her in and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
She almost immediately slipped out and This hurt him.
"Yes, I know," she said, sitting on the bed.
Brandon immediately noticed that something foamy, rough wanted to spill outside of Kelly. That she felt the urgency.
"What's wrong."
"Nothing," she replied.
"Kel.." he approached "it's me."
Those bastard and powerful blue eyes always hit her.
"It's for your sister's show."
"You didn't like your description.." he concluded.
"Not at all"
Brandon took off his shirt "why.. " he asked her.
"Because I look like a spoiled, naughty boyfriends, a kind of selfish bitch."
"That's not true," Brandon said as he put on his t-shirt while still staring at her, it wasn't sure what she wanted to hear about. What did he want from him. That's why he proceeded without shaking looking her in the eye.
"Sometimes it happened, I felt that way. They made me feel like others. I had just fallen in love," she replied.
"Exactly," he concluded, "you were in love."
"What did you think of me and what had happened at the time?"
"Kel, I didn't think so. She is my sister. I saw her up close while you and Dylan were together. I even chose not to take sides while you and Dylan were together. But I've seen her in those days and for all these years, actions have consequences and you have to accept it. We are not always understood. Especially when we cause pain. An atrocious pain. You have to accept it."
"I can't believe it, I've been a selfish bitch for you too or what?"
"You're unfair."
Kel got under his face.
"Ah I would be unfair."
"I'm not the problem here," Brandon said, holding her gaze.
Kel seemed annoyed by the unanswer "well, the selfish bitch leaves" Kel went to the door that Brandon stopped with one arm preventing her from opening.
"Let me go" sighed a Kel with a broken voice then surrendered and dropped on the bench chest at the entrance.
Kel looked down and Bran knelt in front of her and took her face in her hands.
"You have to stop wanting control over everything. You are a person very far from that. Sometimes you like it, other times you're wrong, but we wouldn't be here today if the message wasn't that we can move on, that people can go further."
"You're right."
"It may be that I fell in love with the original Kel and I know what's really behind those eyes, it may be that I wanted to kiss you from the first moment I saw you. I would like you to see yourself as I see you. Others hurt to the extent that you allow them. But I think you have to forgive yourself. Talk to my sister" he kissed her near her mouth.
And then," he began to pull down her dress straps, discovering her bare breasts, "I don't like to talk about you loving someone else. Tell me about the day you started loving me," he told her by pulling down her dress and kissing her everywhere.
"I've been thinking about you all evening," she said, running her hands through his hair. A hidden smile peeped on his face.
He undressed her by taking off her Panties altogether. There were no defenses. A wonderful body and surrendered to him, looking him straight in the eye. Who kissed him with enthusiasm. Excited.. There was something about her that he seemed to need. Continuously. That subtle despair that accompanied her day after day. The sexuality they shared together. He kissed her from the outside to the inside thigh so much so that he easily persuaded her to lie on the bed and close her eyes to guess the movements of his mouth and fingers that moved towards the center of her body, her world, that room, the two of them.
He wanted to have been enough for her. Resettled her in some way. Be a breeze and not a storm. Be time and not in a hurry. He no longer wanted to feel this cumbersome past as an obstacle but as something to get on and take flight.
he let her grab to his neck, so much so that she stood up and let her legs cross behind his back. They made love so standing against the wall.
She welcomed Brandon because he knew how to calm her down. She wanted to pull away that fear and insecurity that gripped her.
She didn't think about anything anymore, she enjoyed his skin, his scent, the illegitimate blue eyes. Of him filling her up and overflowing her.
He erased with simple gestures everything that occupied her mind. After making love to him, When B. had fallen asleep, she slipped out of his bed. SHe lined her body by putting on her own dress. SHe hoped Sammy hadn't woken up. "So" she though "that's how Brandon felt every time he left My house." It was Painful. Kel experienced it and didn't like it. sHe felt the pungent definition of it. sHe wanted to go back to bed. Stay with him. Sleeping with him. Feel his heart beating.
"Kel?" He called her from the bottom of the darkness.
"I have to go," she whispered.
Brandon pulled up and approached her. They were face to face.
"It's too painful when you leave," he told her.
He touched her straps and the dress came back down with a finger play.
is anyone reading? What do you think? What direction should the story take? I like to read your rewiew They make me feel that my work is rewarded.

Beyond the endDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora