Broken dreams

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Brenda waited for Mrs Winley in the parking lot. The secretariat had not let her pass and she had waited over an hour in the waiting room hoping that she would decide to talk to her.
"We'll let you know" and they hadn't let them know anything. Meanwhile, Brenda had diligently avoided calling in Ecuador. She had done nothing that could harm Blanca's adoption.
When she saw Mrs Winley cross the parking lot with a some folders in her hand she chased her by calling her.
"Mrs. Winley !!"
"Mrs. McKay, I thought you left hours ago," said the one taking the keys from the car.
Her search for the car keys became difficult and this earned Brenda time.
"Sorry if I'm still here," Brenda replied.
"Mrs. McKay, I know what you came to do but I can't give you any information."
"Why can't you give me information? What is a CIA secret? We did the interwews. You had said.." Brenda didn't stop talking.
"I said we would contact you, but it is clear that you has no patience."
"Maybe I'm bothered by incompetence," Brenda said harshly.
"You don't want to do what you are doing," Winley replied, resting the folders on the roof of the car.
"What is a threat?"
"I'm doing my best Mrs. McKay, I repeat to you."
"That little girl needs a family while you sleep on your paperwork"
"Well I think that family won't be you," replied Winley tired of Brenda's persecution.
"What?" Brenda was evidently in shock "why not us... "
"Because you're not eligible," Winley replied, looking her in the eye.
"Not eligible? But how are we not eligible?" Brenda was confused and stepped back a few steps.
Winley noticed and regretted giving Brenda the news.
"Mrs. McKay this is not the correct procedure. I have taken care of your file with the utmost care. Do you think I don't want to give a home and love to all the children in the world? Do you really think it's that easy? I'll tell you one thing ma'am. I have time to try to submit you to another interview..."
"What do you mean?"
"Maybe you should talk to your husband better. Mr. McKay doesn't seem to want any more children, much less Blanca. This has emerged"
"What?" Brenda felt the tears rise quickly. She had always known. She had always perceived him in the hours spent with him. Dylan did it because of guilt, not of real will.
Winley got into the car without adding anything else but managed to blow a "sorry Mrs. McKay"
Brenda stood in the parking lot. The rain began to fall but she didn't seem to hear it.
Dylan came back an hour later. She found Brenda soaked sitting in the chair.
"What happened?" He asked her worried.
"Where have you been?" Brenda asked with swollen and red eyes.
"I've been with the guys," he said in a faint tone, "the story of Donna and David. .. Isn't that why you went to Kelly's today?"
"I didn't just go to Kelly's today"
Dylan began to seriously worry about Brenda's attitude
"Look at you, you're all wet"
"I've been to Winley's" Brenda went on ignoring him "it's weird. I went there with all my heart. Sure that we are a united and loving couple"
Dylan looked at her without understanding.
"And I found out that my husband not only never wanted an adoption. But he doesn't want any more children. So the psychologists say, is that Dylan?"
"Bren..." Dylan wasn't sure what words to choose.
"Is that Dylan?" Brenda repeated angry.
"I'm not ready," Dylan blurted out, revealing for the first time how he felt about Brenda's relentless requests "I'm not ready," he repeated.
"because do you already have a child?"
" If I have to be a bad guy it's okay, but I didn't even want Sammy, it was the result of one night stand.. And I'm not good at being the father of him either. Look at him he lives with his mother and sister. I'm afraid a son will ruin us. Let us separate."
"I can't believe it.. and hasn't it ever occurred to you in these months to talk about it with me? What were you expecting Dylan?"
"I'm sorry Brenda"
"You're sorry... So it's all a joke. Medical care. Attempts at fertilization. Adoption."
"No.. no" Dylan tried to defend himself.
Brenda cried openly as Dylan clung to her "I couldn't tell you."
Brenda took her jacket and left it there in the middle of the room. He got out and quickly set the car in motion.
Dylan ran out into the driveway. He was illuminated by the headlights of Brenda's car that was moving away. An incessant rain made him shiver. A sinister memory. The fear that something might happen to her.
Casa Walsh.
Brandon put Grace to sleep. A day at the park with his father and brother had sold it out and Sammy was also on his dreams way.
"Let's go buddy I'll put you to bed," Brandon said to the child.
Kelly smiled "thank you for keeping them today. I had to go to university for the courses.. and then you know how it is .. Donna."
"Yes, I saw David today"
"And is he very proud of himself?" Kelly asked.
"He just wants to change jobs and he saw an opportunity what's wrong with this," Brandon said
"Valerie is not an opportunity she is a danger. Were they spleeping together two years ago?" Kelly asked.
"I don't think I want to talk about this," Brandon replied as he walked away.
"Did they sleep together two years ago?" Kelly asked angry again.
"I have to go, I have important things tomorrow and it's obvious that you don't want me here."
"Why don't you ask your brother?" Brandon replied suddenly turning around and losing patience "I don't want to argue with you Kel, we're just getting closer together. I'm not David and I'm not Steve."
"I think it's time for you to go Brandon"
"Kel.." he sighed "don't do it, it can't be that everything overwhelms us, we were doing so well.. in small steps. We are able to talk without arguing. I want your brother to tell you. Talk to him. Because he knows more than I know. I didn't ask him for details. And there are thousands of details. What one feels. Because he does. What drives him. What It fixes But that's not about the two of us."
Brandon approached her and softly kissed her lips. Kelly relaxed "you're right, sorry" .
Brandon reiterated it and the kiss became more intense. Kelly put her hands on his neck. Brandon pushed her against the kitchen island and her hands became more hectic on him
"I miss you," he whispered, running his lips over her neck.
"I miss you," Kelly sighed.
The bell rang just at that moment interrupting them permanently.
"Who is it at this time..." whispered Kelly escaping from Brandon's hands who dropped on the island.
"Whoever is, I'll stay here behind. I can't move now," Brandon said mischievously.
Kelly smiled out loud.
"You know it's all your fault," Brandon added.
"I know," she blew.
Brandon only saw Kelly's profile opening the door and getting surprised.

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