Metal eyes

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Don Perreira's villa was situated in a hill above the city. It looked like a fort from which he himself could look at his business.
Don Perreira was sitting in the garden sipping tea.
"Mr. Mckay," said the Perreira speaking perfect English.
Dylan, Brenda and Xavier were invited to sit at the table. They felt hunted and in danger.
Brenda looked at Perreira, he had an ancient Latin beauty. A strangely clear complexion. An elegant dress of Italian workmanship.
Perreira looked at Brenda who didn't seem intimidating, while Xavier wanted to sink into the center of the earth. He had nothing to do with that place. With those people.
"They tell me Mr. Mckay" took a break "you don't want to give our kids back"
Dylan was a sphinx, what the hell did he think he could do? He looked on the roof of the villa and at the entrance, it was full of men ready to fill them with lead.
"I came to offer you a deal"
"A deal?" Perreira asked laughing, "Do you think you can come here to propose business to me?"
"Yes," Dylan replied harshly.
"Well, you have courage Mr. Mckay"
Brenda was starting to get nervous. SHe tried to record every movement. Every word. Every expression. She was attentive to every movement and loved being alongside Dylan at the time.
"Let's be," Perreira said.
"How much are they worth?" Dylan asked.
"How much are they worth what?"
"The kids you want"
Brenda and Xavier turned to Perreira. Dylan wanted to buy the kids to get them out of Perreira's clutches.
"Do you want to buy them?"
"You have to tell me a price"
Perreira hovered over the tea and nodded to others to move away "I know who you are Mr. Mckay."
"Isn't it because you know who I am that you want these kids?"
"You are smarter than I thought, how much does you offer?"
"How much do you want?"
"Five hundred thousand"
Dylan laughed 'There is no talk about it'
Brenda looked at him and for a moment thought he was crazy.
Xavier instead believed that he would have a heart attack.
"You don't need these kids and they wouldn't earn you five hundred thousand dollars each other even if they lived ten lives in a row. I offer you a hundred thousand a kid and the word of honor that no one will ever touch and for no reason the institute."
"Do you really think you can come and dictate the law here?"
"No," replied Dylan, " but I think you are good at business and that's a deal. Meanwhile, I want your word of honor that no one will touch these kids."
Perreira brought out an evil smile "no one will touch these kids" he said "but I want the money within three days"
Dylan laughed "when I get back you will have the money"
Perreira had become even more evil and Brenda immediately noticed that there was something metal in that man's eyes.

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