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Valerie was in the lobby. She had taken that meeting very seriously, wore a dark suit, sipping a margarita, while playing with the new house's keys, which she had recovered just before. Dylan came in drawn, jeans and white t-shirt.
"I can't believe it," he said affectionately.
"Hi Dylan, how are you?" The two hugged each other.
"Good; then, back in California."
"Apparently...I've been touring several cities in the last few years. But maybe, the place I really feel at home is Los Angeles. I decided to start over; better do it at home, don't you think?"
"You are talking to the title holder about restarts from home"
"And the last one how it's going"
"Brenda is my other half, My better half, she's always been. It can only go great"
"I'm happy for you"
"Let's go to the point Valerie. When the agency gave me your name, I pulled away my tie and put on my jeans. Why do you want to buy the Peach Pit?"
Valerie drank a sip of margarita to dampen the tension "Because it's one of the most successful projects of my life"
"But the by night has been closed for years and is also poorly reduced; the car on the roadway is the restaurant; on the to speak"
"In what sense?"
"Val, I don't want to give you a problem, so I want you to be aware that the accounts are in the red; quite a lot in the red. Either I sell it or I close it; the loss is constant and has lasted for several years"
"I like challenges"
"It takes quite a bit of liquid, especially if you want to get the back part back on track; if you want to put it back on income"
"I have some friends in New York that I've already heard and who are willing to help me financially"
"damn... you are so good in the business.."
"More than you think" Valerie gave off a mischievous smile; Dylan nodded to the waiter "Will you bring me some tea, please?" Then he turned to the girl
Valerie laughed, she pulled out of the handbag a folded note "This is my offer for the place"; Dylan took the piece of paper, looked at it and closed it. He took the boiling water teapot, which in the meantime had arrived at the table "it's less than the offer I already have on the table" poured the water into the cup with the filter.
"Yes, but is the offer you have on the table aware of the local's accounts? Do you know that the budget needed to get the Peach Pit back on track is higher than its purchase value?"
Dylan took a sip "No, he doesn't know"
"Here, my offer is more than generous, if you take the premises into account."
McKay had no intention of arguing or haggling, he had never done so. He just wanted to give up what was a big problem for him to those who were going to take care of it seriously; he considered Valerie's bond with the restaurant's past and with the old owner; he considered that the transaction would take place in the light of the sun, without hidden subterfuges or criticalities. He felt relieved only at the idea. He placed the cup on the table "I'll call my accountant he'll prepare the sell contract; congratulations Mrs. Malone – she held out his hand – you are the new owner of the Peach Pit" Valerie tried to contain her enthusiasm, smiled politely and shook the hand of the boy "and of the Peach Pit By night".
Peach Pit
"To Nat," Valerie raised a glass of champagne in the air, "to Nat," everyone replied in unison.
For the occasion, Brandon had worn his old waiter's jacket, which had been affixed to the wall for years; while Brenda, with a lot of humor, had put Laverne's clothes back on. Of course, she hadn't accessorized herself like the character she had staged several years earlier. No "head cover" or wide glasses, but the rest of the outfit was identical. Valerie, on the other hand, as a good new hostess, had opted for a long, sober and elegant dress. She had decided to say goodbye in style to the Peach Pit as It was known. The next day the Reorganization would put the place upside down, creating a single environment with what was the By Night; Valerie thought big. She was Flying tall, so she had thought about organizing a farewell party. She thought it would be a good omen; he invited the gang to the whole, which in those days he had met at the small. And the Walsh twins had asked to revive the atmosphere that was breathed in high school, wearing the Pit's work clothes. After an early hesitation, especially from Brandon, they had accepted. For the memory of that Place and especially about Nat. Willy was already on the stove, the Minnesota Twins would serve burgers and chips to their friends and Valerie would do the honors of home. The first to arrive were Kelly and then Dylan. She walked in with Grace, who was sleeping in the stroller, while Dylan was holding Sammy by the hands, very excited for the evening. Dylan laughed at seeing his wife in Laverne's clothes; Brenda took a ride on herself "Do you like me?"
"I love you," and gave her a kiss on the neck, the girl smiled embarrassed.
"There's my brother."
Brandon was placing the stroller in the less busy corner of the venue, aware that soon the daughter would wake up demanding his attention. He had become better with time and constant commitment.
Kelly headed to Valerie "Congratulations on your new adventure"
Valerie smiled "Thank you Kel; your little girl is wonderful, like Brandon"
"thanks Val" she replied " you are right, that creature that barely looks at me and when her father enters the room melts into smiles; . But you know, the father-daughter relationship is always special."
Valerie couldn't read those words perfectly, Kelly understood that.
"I heard you had a weekend in Catalina, did it go well?"
Kelly lit up in her face. She blushed.
"Ah I would say you did,the island is always beautiful?"
"And who saw it," Kel laughed, carrying the glass to her mouth.
"Wow, Kelly," Valerie smiled mischievously"bad girl"
Kel stroked her arm "good luck, really," Valerie smiled at her again.
The bell above the door rang and Steve and Clare, preceded by Maddy, entered. Sanders began calling Brandon "Walsh, a well-cooked burger and rain chips! Move on!"
"At the orders sir, did you hear the command?", Willy replied with a smile "They also heard him on Rodeo Drive; burgers on the way."
Steve didn't pay for the confusion he had brought into the club, went to the Juke box and let the Beatles' Help leave, singing at the top of his lungs with Lennon. Grace, inevitably woke up "Here, are you happy now?" Kelly rushed to her daughter;
"Walsh, but it's a party or a library"
"Sanders, you're always the usual"
"Fortunately," Clare whispered to him as he approached his ear.
"Dad, I'm hungry" Maddy mingled between the two, she realized there was tenderness and was quite jealous of her father. Clare had an opponent not at all simple.
"Honey, I've already ordered, but Uncle Brandon instead of being a waiter is a babysitter; have a little patience. And about children!". Steve turned to the couple who had just entered, the Silver family, complete with Ethan walking in front of his parents.
"Hi Steve!", Donna kissed the friend who was in front and then went on to Brenda "Oh my God! Laverne!", the two burst out laughing and hugged each other "What good times, what good memories!"
"Later we also tune a song" and Kelly intervened "Forget it."
"Why?" The other two said in chorus. David greeted the men and went to Valerie, as the sandwiches began to arrive at the tables and the Juke box sent Elvis' Falling in love "Congratulations Val".
"Thank you David" the girl smiled at him;
"How does it feel to get back on track with the Peach Pit by night?"
"It's a good feeling, it makes me feel younger, alive. But I got into debt, a lot. It won't be easy."
"You will see that you will make it; how I envy you"
"And why, aren't you happy with your job?" "Do I work? Things are going well but I miss the Peach Pit By night too. The radio is beautiful .. but lately .. No emotion, no challenges, just ordinary everyday life. Always the same."
"If you want a seat for you at the new Peach Pit I can find it"; David looked at Donna, who in fact, while talking to the girls, glanced at the couple talking.
"I'm not sure it's a good idea"
"Would you like it?"
"I don't know, that said, off guard. I know the problems of managing this place; I managed it with you, I managed it myself. It's complicated"
"But it's also fascinating"
"Yes, it is," David smiled;
"David, can you take care of our son's dinner, at least tonight?"
"Here, in fact - he turned to Donna - certainly honey, I do it right away", but Valerie did not let him "Let's talk about it again".
David gave her a nod of assent. The Walsh twins brought burgers and chips to adults, who took care of distributing them to children. "Am I late?"
"As always Zuckerman" Brandon greeted his friend with a hug.
"Sorry, I ended up late in the hospital." The boys took turns greeting Andrea while Brenda put a hamburger in her hand, as a welcome.
"Thank you Brenda, but how are you dressed?" Brenda was about to respond when notes from Lesley Gore's It's my party resounded. Donna moved from the juke box and dragged Kelly to the center of the venue.
"Oh God" said Kelly
"sweety , look how beautiful mom is" said Brandon to Grace Whole they were staring the show
"The aunt doesn't joke either," Dylan introduced himself. They were all gathered around the trio, have fun and participate. Except David. Overthinking and uncomfortable, he watched his wife dance and looked at Valerie, on the other side. Which, in return, stared at him as in a dialogue without words. She seemed to want to tell him "You know your place is in here, you can't help." David didn't want anything else. A new opportunity, to question his working life, to show that he still had the strength and creativity needed to relaunch a fashionable venue. But he also knew that a job alongside Valerie could mean questioning a lot more. And he didn't want to throw himself that way. Or maybe yes he would?
"What are you thinking?" Steve asked him as he approached.
"Nothing. At the time. To how all slips between our fingers"
"But how philosophical you are."
Finished dancing Kel nodded to Brandon.
"I have to take her to the airport," he announced to the others.
"Yeah" she smiled "I'm sorry guys but I have to go to Seattle for a couple of days for some conferences.
"And the money from the book I'm going to collect," Steve said, rubbing his hands.
Kelly kissed Sammy in tears who was immediately distracted by his father as Brandon took Grace in his arms "so in the car she falls back to sleep."
The others continued the dinner and the party but it was strange as if when a few pieces were missing they were all immediately involved. Almost undersowned.
"See you later guys," Brandon said, putting an arm behind Kelly's back and accompanying her to the exit.
"Brandon, you can't believe it.." Valerie whispered as Clare was close enough to hear her.
"What do you mean?"
"That it doesn't seem like a good role for him," she replied, "that you can see that something is wrong."
"It doesn't seem to me," Clare replied, ", they came back from Catalina and don't take their hands off, look at them. Watch as she observed them, and she.. followed every step of them they look like two magnets."
Valerie followed them with her gaze carrying the glass to her mouth until they went out.

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