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A/N: Last chapter!
Next weekend: final race and epilogue 🥹

Enjoy and give it some love 🥰

"Walking back like this reminds me of that night we came back from the club, that night your date was filming you?" You said.

"The night of the short sequinned dress, yeah," he smirked. "You were so hot that night!"

"I was?"

"Left my so called date there to walk you three blocks even though you barely liked me because of that dress!"

You blushed. "Oh god and there I was thinking it was because she wasn't worth it!"

"She wasn't, she was a bit dull, only wanted to party..." he confessed. "And then you came, telling me all that, stealing her phone like a daredevil, looking like that in a short dress... I was sold immediately!"

"Were you planning on doing something that night then? With me?"

"Won't deny the thought crossed my mind but when you joked around and acted friendly with me, I realised you were perhaps made for more than that, so I decided not to try..." he explained with a smile.

You smiled back. "I wonder if I would've let you go for it if you made a move..." you thought out loud. "I was going to admit I was a bit jealous when she kissed you there, so maybe that would've clouded my professional boundaries," you chuckled.

"Jealous, huh?" He smirked. "Didn't take you for the type."

"I'm not usually, but don't test me!" You laughed. "Guess that's why that bloke Andre never took an interest in me again, I saw you with her and I practically ignored what he said completely in favour of just checking you out..."

He gasped and giggled. "I can believe that now but back then I would've said it wasn't true!"

"But it was!" You told him. "I don't know if it was me wanting to kiss you or just plain jealousy of you kissing someone else..."

He stopped and turned to kiss you softly while holding your waist. "Good thing all my kisses belong to you now, right?"

"I feel more than privileged..." you said as you kissed him back.

The walk resumed in silence, your hands dangling in the middle while holding each other.

George let out a chuckle after a short bit. "Can't believe they had a group chat..."

"Kelly told me they made it after that party we had at Daniel's because they say we were too obvious," you giggled.

"Were we? I remember it being a normal night..."

You thought about it for a bit. "George, that was the day we decided to be friends! That night was a lot, remember? You asked me not to take it away from you..."

He smiled, remembering it. "I chased you around the living room to tickle you, then you faked being mad at me and I got sad then you hugged me..."

You bit your lip and looked up at him. "I remember wanting to be around you a lot, we used to be touching all the time!" you laughed, remembering how much you wanted him to be next to you. "I barely recognised myself when I came back to my room, went to have a shower before I developed a huge crush on you, which I think it was already there but I kept it hidden in denial."

"I know, feels like school, doesn't it? When you look for every situation to turn into one to be close..." he stopped to watch the ocean and cuddle you against him. "It felt like so much at first, I remember you saying a word and my mouth smiling involuntarily, or the way my heart started racing whenever you came closer to me or laughed at something I said..."

You sighed happily and squeezed his hands around your waist. "I don't blame the guys for creating a group actually. Thinking back to that night, seems like we were in our own world, because I remember always wondering if you were close, if you were watching me or not..." you giggled. "I threw all my limits to the ocean the moment you asked me to, George, I wouldn't have done that for anyone else..."

He looked down at you and kissed you softly. "And I was never that vulnerable with anyone else, nobody affected my mood by being distant like you did... And I've been working with people older than me since I was a little boy, more mature and more focused on their own goals rather than a kid, which made me grow in other circumstances. But you? You showed up and instead of being nice, you swept me off my feet and called me out like nobody, not even Toto ever did. Then you built a fort around you, leaving me out and my every attempt of reaching out bouncing off them... And fuck I was frustrated!" he chuckled as you listened intently. "I used to try and think why when Carmen and I argued I had no problem in staying mad or being strong enough to let it pass, but with you I couldn't find reasons not to come back. I needed you to see me, to talk to me, anything!"

You giggled shyly and just kissed his arm, which was closest to you. "I guess it all was because I knew that the moment I would lose that control it would go exactly as it did... And I'm going to admit something I never did to you before," you said as you turned your head to look at him. "I had a crush on you, a big one during your Formula 2 years, and a bit too in Williams. Actually, always thought you were attractive but I think Charles knows that I fancied you, because one day we were at his garage and you walked by and I absolutely stopped listening to him because I stared at you speak with Nicky."

He chuckled. "Really? Maybe that's the same day he told me I had an admirer looking at me from the Ferrari garage! I was taken at the moment, so I just laughed it off..."

You blushed. "Oh god was I that obvious? Charles said that but I didn't believe him!" You hid in his chest. "If Nicky saw it from that far it means everyone saw me sighing and wondering when I would meet you!"

George laughed and crouched down to put his face  at your same height and still hold you in his arms. "It seems like we were meant to be together, then... Remember when you told me you rescheduled a whole client's event to be at my first world championship?"

"Yeah," you replied while placing your arms around his neck.

"And I told you you were crazy, and you said that maybe you were but I had to look where it got you?"

You nodded.

"I said 'back to me'," he smiled widely as you did it too. "I believe that it makes more sense now, don't you think? You were always around, always close to me, until the right time appeared and there was no way to keep us apart, like there won't be from now on because from the moment I had you in my life, I didn't want you out of it ever again..."

You listened to him with tears prickling in your eyes and a big smile. Then you placed your head in the crook of his neck and mumbled against his skin. "I have never felt love such as this one, never felt the need to tell someone that I love them every single second when they do something that makes me feel in love. And you do everything, Georgie boy," you moved your face to be aligned with his, who was still crouching down.

George smiled and pecked your lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," another kiss.

He lifted you as he  stood up again, holding you easily with his arms around your legs, below your bum. He kissed you long and tender, then he stared at you as you stroked his cheeks and hair. You giggled in unison after a while of looking at each other.

George then put you down and took your hand as you walked the few blocks left in silence, feeling the night turn into a new day and your lives turn into one.


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