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The party went on for a few more hours, eventually teaming up to play UNO. It was going to be guys vs. girls but in the end, Lando, Pierre, Charles and Arthur would make the boys' group bigger. That's how everyone teamed with their couples, leaving the four mentioned plus George and you to pair up. Pierre was just about to ask for you as his teammate but Daniel was faster.

"Okay that's it then, Lando and Pierre you team up," then he pointed at you and George, since the Leclerc brothers teamed together. "And you two."

Every pair was playing as if it was one player, with extra crazy rules like, drawing loads of cards for taking long to play or forgetting a turn, to a new trick called 'mirror', that consisted in match an exact card you had in your hand with the one just thrown on the pit before the next player could make his play. It was vicious. While one planned the normal play, the other was plotting the mirror. It was impossible to play with the kings of reflexes but the alcohol slowed them down a bit.

"Alex is going to draw a blue 4," George whispered to you, almost unintelligibly.

You didn't catch that, so you got a little closer. "What?"

"Alex, blue 4," he whispered again, twisting his head and getting very close to your ear so you would listen. "I am the fast hand. You have to listen."

You chuckled and pinched his knee. "Don't get cheeky, I still run your PR team."

He giggled. "Not scared, you wouldn't mess with work," he smirked and poked you.

You gasped loudly and started laughing. "Stop that, I'm too ticklish!"

"You really shouldn't have said that, but I won't use it yet," he stated.

"When will you use it, George boy?" Alex teased loudly. Everyone was watching you both, and Charles was holding happily two cards as a penalty. Apparently, Alex had played the blue 4 a while ago and you took too long.

"Fuck!" You said and took the two cards. "I hate this rule."

"Then keep George's hands away from you," Pierre commented.

"Oooooookay boys, she loves us all don't worry," Daniel giggled. "Now Lord Percival, it's your turn or you'll get penalised too." He instructed and the game followed.

You lost after two rounds, now the game continued with the rest, except Max and Kelly who sucked at it, even when they had a little girl at home to teach.

"I'm going to make myself a very fruity drink, with no alcohol, want anything?" You asked George.

"Nope, thank you," he smiled.

You went and started fixing yourself a nice beverage with the fruits that were still served. Placed everything on the blender, a huge expensive thing that made no noise at all, and pressed on, right at the same moment, long fingers pressed on both your ribs, making you squeal.

"Boo!" George exclaimed as he laughed.

"I can't believe you!" You told him as you looked at him trying to find something to get back at him. "I could kill you, you scared me shitless!"

He cackled and tried to ask if you were okay, but his mischievous side won and he came closer to your ribs to poke them again, causing you to shiver and run away, since the sole sensation of tickles made you, well, ticklish.

"Geooooooorge!!" You told him but he started to chase you, so you did the one thing that would stop him, went to hide behind Pierre.

The Frenchman took it to heart and shielded you, but it backfired, since Lando poked you on the ribs too, making you jump and trip over the floor. George was already there, catching you. It was as if it was all planned between them.

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