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The next day, the routine seemed to fit, so George showed up around 11:30 at your office and brought a nice lunch (this time it was an avocado and egg sandwich) while you worked together the next PR strategies. He would post a story or share a nice fan artwork he found around, then his team account would do the same a selected day of the week, as a way to give back to the fans. George loved that idea and suggested doing a small video of him asking people to post their work under a hashtag so they would be featured. He also included a nice message about sharing talent and how much he appreciated that same advice when he was starting at karting.

"That was one great message George!" You congratulated him when he was done. "You certainly know what you're doing."

He smiled. "I'm being honest, I believe in what I say, no matter how fixed it could sound..."

You nodded. "Then I'm glad you're letting people see the real you encouraging them! Now, I think we're done for the day, we did quite a lot for the media and I reckon we could work on the race duties tomorrow. When are you flying?"

"Tomorrow morning, bright and early, so I'm afraid I won't be around for lunch..."

"It's fine, I wanted to know so I would be there before you ready to help you during media day and see if we can fit a small video with Lewis if it's not too late, but we can still do that on Friday morning..." you talked as you were immersed in your laptop.

"Want to fly with me?" He asked. "We have room and it's a short flight."

You lifted your head up at him. "Oh no don't worry, just booked myself a flight for tonight so you'll see me in time for lunch."

George deflated, wondering why you were so adamant in putting some distance. You barely laughed at his jokes, too busy going to the next task as soon as possible and avoiding having a casual conversation at all costs. He just nodded and stood up. "Nice then, I'll see you tomorrow, won't even ask for your hotel info because I'm sure you'll have another at the other side of the city, right?" He chuckled without humour.

You looked at him, confused. "Well, no. I had the hotel information already so asked the team to book me one more room, so I'm there with you guys... why?"

"Oh nothing, we'll work closer then!" He tried to sound enthusiastic. "See you and have a good flight!"

"You too Russell," you smiled and let him go.

Thursday morning, you went for a small run and came back to the hotel to shower then check on a few work emails until George would show up. Funnily enough, he was at the lobby talking with Lewis Hamilton as you walked in.

"Good morning," you greeted. "Had a nice flight?"

"Oh hello," Lewis said. "We did, thank you. Coming from a run?"

"A small one only, I imagine!" George smirked. "Your legs might not resist!"

You laughed. "That was one time, come on!"

Lewis chuckled. "This one runs a lot, be careful with those long legs!"

You three laughed and chatted a bit more, Lewis asking if you were working with George, and teasing you about working with other teams before.

"I'm a fan of racing, that's for sure," you replied. "But right now, I'll root for George Russell and no one else."

The younger driver smiled and stood proudly. "Thanks..."

"That's nice, team support is always a big booster," Lewis remarked, then said goodbye and left.

You and George stayed in the lobby. "Already talked to his team, we'll be having a small game of ping pong to film later tonight so we can focus on media today and tomorrow on quali since this is a sprint weekend, yeah?"

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