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The walk back to George's was long because you walked slow and enjoying the chilly weather of the night. It was peaceful too, since you barely spoke and had a few steps between you and George, who walked ahead with his long arms hanging on each side of his torso.

That was, until your drunken brain decided to speak up.

"Fuck you, George Russell!"

He turned to you with his eyes wide. "What was that for?"

"It's just... I hate you."

"Why? What did I do?" He asked with a frown.

"You're just- just- there!" You explained in frustration. "You're there walking all smoothly, with your stupid hand dangling down and all I can think about is how much I want to take it!"

He looked at you and chuckled. "And that makes you mad? Why?"

"Because I really really want to hold your hand right now and then play with your bloody smooth hair!"

George giggled shyly and turned to keep walking. You just stayed there. He then looked back at you with his right palm open but facing down, pointed at you.

"Coming?" He asked.

You smiled at him and took his hand, walking back in silence.

When you entered the house, you did it quietly since everyone else was sleeping. George sat on the sofa and untied his shoes.

"So... my hair?" He teased.

"Shhhh, I never said that!" You whispered.

"Oh but you did," he said with a smirk and took your hand to bring you to the sofa with him. He moved a little so you would sit with your back on his chest as he played with the hairs coming out of your low ponytail. "You have nice hair too."

"Thanks, it's a precious item for me," you giggled and tried your best to think of that moment as something your sloshed brain made up. Still, your left hand went to George's hair and intertwined itself with it.

George was about to speak a few times, but he was afraid he might ruin the moment, so he just stayed silent, enjoying your touch as he kept doing the same with you.

"I might have to take this night away from you, George..." you said in a whisper, already half asleep on his chest.

He let out a very small giggle and whispered back. "Too late, there's no way I'm forgetting this..."

"Well, if it is a good morning indeed!" Steve, George's dad, exclaimed.

That made you two wake up in an instant. "Whoops, sorry dad," George stretched with one hand and with the other held you so you wouldn't fall down.

"Oh dear, so sorry Steve!" You stood up. "We must have died here after the day at Brackley and-"

"Oh kids, don't worry! It's 11 o'clock, you've been asleep even when your mother has been moving everything in the kitchen," Steve chuckled and let them be.

"Oh gosh, George, this is so embarrassing!" You said covering your face with your hands.

"It's fine, I would be embarrassed if my brother or my sister found us, they will most likely tease us to death!" He chuckled and rubbed your back.

"I told dad to wake you up, Georgie Porgie!" Cara, his sister, called out.

"Ohh come on! I'm old enough for you to stop calling me that, I am a world champion for gods sake!" George said and hid his face on your back.

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