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The moment you drove off from his house, George came back inside and sighed, suddenly exhausted and upset.

"What happened?" Carmen asked.

"I'm not sure," he said. "Didn't know that event was so important and that she had such a tough week. She cried out there, told me she didn't know why and rejected my offering to go with her to this event..."

Carmen looked at him then scoffed. "Oh no George, what did you do?"

"Nothing!" He defended himself.

"Well, what didn't you do then?"

"Did I forget something important for her? I don't think I did..."

"Me, George!" Carmen said exasperated. "Did she know I was going to be here?"

He widened his eyes. "Considering I forgot you were coming this week I totally forgot to tell her about it..."

She sighed. "Now she probably got upset because she saw me..."

George sat on the sofa and put his head on his hands. "What am I going to do?"

"Maybe wait until tomorrow, let her cool off and then explain..."

George agreed.

He got the email next morning and tried to reply with an explanation but it was immediately replied by the automatic from your colleague.

George sighed and tried to call you, to ask if everything was okay after last night but he found out you blocked him. He reread the email and saw you said you'd be available at your work phone.

He checked in his own phone and remembered that time he actually deleted that number just to get the chance to speak only through your personal number. He cursed himself and checked everywhere but couldn't find it.  He texted Max, Charles and Carlos. Max and Carlos said they didn't have it anymore because when the contract ended and they stayed friends, they stayed only with the personal number. Charles kept it but lost it after losing his old phone. Toto was next on the list, but he was deep in the sea in a boat with his family, so he never got the message. The one that could reply fast was Stefano, but even though George was in good terms with him, it was still a bit ridiculous to ask for that. But desperate times called for desperate measures.

He never answered, but a few moments later his assistant called him and told George he will be in touch soon.

He then called Carmen and told her everything he found out just recently. She sighed.

"She's limiting you again George, don't pressure and respect her times,"

"How? She won't even talk to me now and I lost her work number!"

"Maybe that's a good thing, you need time too. Let's work on our issues now to get your mind off it and then think again what to do. Don't lose focus." She advised.

"Fine," George agreed. "Meet me for lunch here, I have everything."

Stefano Domenicali eventually called back. "George my boy, how can I help you?"

"Um, I need my PR manager's work number, if possible? I had a problem with my phone and it's deleted now..." George tried to lie.

"Assumed since you were so close that you were in personal numbers basis!" He chuckled. "But I'll send it to you in a text, okay?"

"Thank you so much," he said.

"No problem, now tell this girl that whenever she wants to remember her F1 boss she's welcome to pay a visit," he joked. "She sees you more than anyone else so I believe you can deliver the message."

George giggled nervously. "Yeah! Of course. Thanks again!"

"You're welcome George, see you at Silverstone!" Stefano said and hung up.

George sighed. Everyone noticed how you two were all the time together, and everyone assumed already you were either a thing or in the process of being one. How could he have been so slow?

He was about to call you when he got your number, but Carmen snatched his phone away from his hands.

"What were you doing?"

"Check if she didn't block me there too," he started.

"No," Carmen interrupted. "If she said she'd be available there then it's true but she stated that it was for emergencies, meaning she needs space or she does have to work."

"I hate it when you're right, did you know that?"

Carmen just chuckled and went back to her work on the table.

George hated it. The guy in charge was boring, and he just sent emails, sometimes called to instruct other things but he just did nothing. He didn't even want to do any of the activities he had to participate in because they stopped being fun. He tried his best though, but all he wanted to do was train and pray the week goes by fast because he wanted to see you at Silverstone.

"Is she here in Monaco?" George asked during a call. "I have to send her some stuff she left at mine the other day..."

"No, I think she went to the UK. If you want, send them to the office, she'll get them when she comes back," the guy offered. "But now, this article here..."

And then George stopped listening. Why did you leave so fast and sudden? He didn't have anything to give you, he just wanted a chance to pop by your flat and see if you were okay. It's only been two days and it was killing him not seeing you.

"Nothing?" Carmen asked that same afternoon.

"Nope, every time I email her, her coworker gets it so it's useless. I've tried texting her work phone but so far she hasn't replied..." he sighed and took a very deep breath, trying to suppress the tears that wanted to come out.

"Relax George, it's only been two days, she must really be busy..." Carmen tried and got interrupted by his phone.

"She texted. Finally!" He said and opened it.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking. Hope my colleague is doing a good job, let me know."

"That's it?" He asked, incredulous.

"What did you send her in the first place?" Carmen asked.

"Asked if she was okay and told her I missed her, because this weekend was important for both of us, so I asked when was she coming back. Then sent it with a blue heart emoji, like always..." he bit his lip and his big blue eyes were shiny with tears.

She sighed. She had to ask him to make him admit it before doing anything else to help him. "Do you love her, George?"

He looked at his ex and let out a deep breath again. "I do, can't deny that anymore..."

Carmen nodded, understanding. "Okay then, respect her time, let her breathe and let me help you."


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