Part 10

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In no time my tear duct started over working and I was a crying mess already and I kept shouting no it can't happen wlhi I won't marry him someone should tell them to stop I can't marry him I don't love him I did not know when my mum entered the room the only thing I felt was her warm hugs and she kept patting my head saying it will be fine Fatima you will be fine I gave birth to a strong girl and inshallah everything is going to work beautifully for you my baby I could only sob more because I have never felt broken before in my life not even when I lost my favorite toy or when my secondary school crush loved someone else this was a different kind of pain that I can't explain.thank God my family respected my decision because they was no much people in the house just a few and the few that will arrive later during the conveying of the bride so I did not have to deal with another kind of noise and stress and before I knew it 5hours went by so fast and it was time to take me to my husband house so my bestfriend led me to the parlor my mum and dad were waiting for me to give me some advice before I leave and my dad started first
Fatima he called my name and I said naam ,you know I don't hate you not at all incase you don't know you are my favorite and I will not do anything to hurt you my child I wish I could have changed the rule since but I did not and I don't regret it because I know it is for the best I know the type of home training your mother and I instilled in you I know you are not going to disappoint me Fatima Dan allah kirike mijin ki Dan hanu beyu (hold your husband with your both hands)don't let it slip from your hold yasmin do you hear and I nodded toh mashallah allah ya maki albarka and we all muttered and ameen and my mum said the only thing I have to tell you is may all guide and protect you and I said ameen I know my daughter I know you will be a good wife and a mother inshallah and I nodded while wiping my tears and my siblings came inside the room and also hugged me while muttering duas for me while I cried and I was taking out to the car that was outside and I was going to be taking to my in-laws house first because of whatever culture
The suleman mansion was was everything worthy of a palace it was beautiful and crowded unlike our house and I was already anxious so with the help of one of mum sister and dad sister I got into the house and the women started doing yoda I wanted to be anywhere but there I wish I could cover my ears but unfortunately I can't because I will come out as a rude bride and that is too early to give that kind of reputation so I just forced the smile under my veil and we sat on the floor waiting for my so called mother in-law and when she entered the place everyone went silent then my anut started with Toh mun kawo muku amana ku rike ga yareyan mu and my mother in-law said inshallah ai she is my daughter now ai and everybody shouted mashallah so she came with bundles of money and car keys and other stuff for the unveil and once she did it  she smirked and said our wife is surely beautiful welcome to the family Fatima and they started the yolding if only they know how it's disturbing they will have stopped so after gisting and all my mother in-law decided to say my so called husband was going to come and take me home while everyone leaves from here and I did not know when I started crying and begging my sisters and bestfriend to stay and they said no we can't but we promised you we will come and visit you inshallah and I reluctantly waved at them and they all left me to my own thoughts unfortunately.hours later and he was still not here and it was getting to 9pm already and I have been here alone with my thought and I was tired of waiting for him as if he knew I was thinking about him I heard a honk and I guessed he was the one ,immediately he entered the room I started shaking i don't know why but I was scared of him even without looking at him and he said get ready we are leaving now he said and I nodded my head and managed to look at him for a few seconds and realized he truly looks like my khalifa just that he is dangerously handsome while khalifa is the calm beautiful handsome I don't know why I am still saying my khalifa I am still in denial but Inshallah I will get over him not because I want to be loyal or anything but because islamically it's haram and I don't want Allah anger on me so I will move on
30 minute later and we were in jabi I think that is the area my sister's said the house is located I could not see it very well because it was late already and Abuja looks almost the same immediately we honked at a gate in front of us and what I saw in my front was worth wowing and I did even without knowing and he smirked and said you like what you see and I nodded and we both kept quiet after that.
when we all got down to the main door  he told me that the right part was for him and the other one was for me while there was another part that was for both of us and I thought was it even necessary but I remembered that they are extravagant so I just nodded and said ok

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