Part 1

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Yasmin ki tashi you be late for your lectures her mother shouted while barging into her room
She reluctantly stood up and went to the bathroom and had a quick shower and got dressed for her 10am physiology class that she hates so much
After getting ready she went down stairs to the kitchen and took her favorite yought and apple because she was in no mood to eat breakfast and she was already getting late for her class
She shouted her mothers name mama na wuchi and the mother reply Toh yasmin Allah ya bada sai make sure you pray and driver safely

I rolled my eyes typical Nigeria parent as if this is the first time I am driving.I went into the garage and got into my car and l left for the school that is trying to kill me arriving at baze university Abuja I called my bestie summiya to make sure she is also in school
Hello babes ina kike ,ina makaranta ,ok Toh I just got in now let meet in w sauce sai mu gei lectures tarei ai kema u have lectures koh ,eh ,okay Toh bye.
After meeting with my bestfriend we went for our classes together because we have the same lecture together even though we are both doing different course I am studying public health while she is doing medicine .

1hour 30min into the class and I was tired already but I had no choice than to stay ,
Ok guys that will be the end of our class for today if you have any question please ask before I leave the class Mrs sambo said and I could not be happier we are finally done alhamdullah but nobody answered and she left the class after telling us to prepare very well for our exams which is going to be in 2weeks time like must she remind us of our misery Kai God
I had only one lectures so I was done with the class for the day but summiya still had 3 more classes chab thank God I am not doing this medicine I could have died since .
so after we left the class I waved her goodbye and we went our separate ways and I hopped into my car and drove out of the school gate 10min into driving my car broke down ya subhanallah why today I tried calling my mum but the network was bad due to the weather and it started raining in no time I had to enter my car back oh nei ya Allah I kept thinking of a solution when I heard a knock on my window I wanted to scream out of annoyance and say what is it but I reminded my self that I need help and he might be a help so I brought down my window and he asked sorry Mallama what happened to your car and I told him everything and he said uhmmm bari I will call my mechanic to come and pick the car if u don't mind while i take u home and I look at him strangely and he was like Uhmm sorry my manners my name is Khalifah Ibrahim suleman and I said I am yasmin Fatima abdulkadir after the formalities I decided to enter his car because who want to spend forever here definitely not me
And he lead me to his Audi car and I got in to the passenger seat and he asked me my address and I told him I stay in asokoro maims estate he said really my older sister lives there too with her husband and 2kids and I said mashallah that must be adorable and he smiled and we both fell into a comfortable silence through out the ride
Once we got to my estate gate I asked him to drop me there so that I don't stress him any longer and he said haba hajiya Fatima, it no stress from there I will see my sister it been a while and I told him if he insists and he smiled and I noticed his dimples mashallah this man is beautifully handsome and I am not about to start describing him nope, I kept looking at him till he noticed and said wani street nei ai estate en and I told him street 14 and he said ok Mun kusa and immediately we got to my house I thanked him and he asked for my number nei chei Mai Mallam Dan u drove me here Toh barei let me pay u your money ya chei haba yasmin pay me kuma I was asking of your number because of your car when it get fixed and immediately he said that embarrassment washed over me I collected his phone and put my number and he told me that when the car is ready by tomorrow he will call me and I thanked him once more before entering my house
If only I knew this was the beginning of a beautiful thing and also the genesis of my misery
My name is Fatima yasmin Abdulkadir a 19years old beautiful ,average height fair lady and I am about to tell you my story

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