Gavin stood in the pouring rain, panting as he struggled to calm his body down. His hands glowed, obvious indicators of his mental distress. He hadn't made it far away before his distraction had forced him to the side of the road. Cars zoomed past, unable to clearly see him as he let the soothing hammer of rain clear his head and calm his physical heart down.

He'd wanted her. Wanted to go back to that world of pleasure and flesh, sinking himself deeply into her. His body craved it like a drug, skin twitching with the intensity of his desire. But duty kept him away until he was sure htat she wouldn't invite him back in even if he did go to see her. It would have been made easier if he didn't realize he may have just blown his best chance of finding Elonore soon.

He paced in the pouring rain, trying to decide which action would suit the mission better? Avoiding a major distraction and resist temptation but give up a possible quick lead, or going back for the sake of the lead and potentially risk failing to maintain discipline, plunging back into hedonistic tendancies.

The slight sound of stone grinding against stone was his only warning him that he wasn't alone and his anxious state of mind had him responding onlty to the fact that someone else was there without consideration on whom it might be. His fist connected into flesh that was as cold and hard as stone, and yet also his mobile flesh. Roy was here, watching Gavin pace and fret.

"Son of a bitch!" Gavin swore, nursing his bruised knuckles. The gargoyle just chuckled at him.

"Easy there killer." Rou laughed, smiling with granate tinted skin. Gavin frowned at the Neutral and shook his head.

"Forget about it, sorry man." Gavin shrugged, greeting his friend. Guardian Angels often employed creatures like Roy. Gargoyles, nimphs, ghosts, ghouls and an occasional gremlin or troll. Creatures that cannot be of the heavenly world but are not condemned to the realms of hell. Gavin's associate was a higher eschelon Gargoyle, manlike in design except his head was surrounded by a lion's mane and his body bore evidence of his leonid statue designs. He was heavily musled as looked to weigh near a ton of solid stone.

"No problem choir boy." Roy joked with an easy demeanor. It could be frustrating, working with him. He always shrugged everything aside and underestimated the imporance of details. But if you gave him clear and simple details than he was amazingly efficient at following them. Unless somethnig really distracting came up. Then you were buggered either way. He could be like a kitten chasing string that way.

"I think I may have come across a place she's been. I felt... a flare up, something telling me she's been there, resently or for a prolonged period of time. I couldn't tell which." Gavin jumped right into buisness, grateful for a distraction.

"Tell me." Roy offered.

"I can do better than that. I can show you." Gavin offered. With an easy gonig shrug, Roy climbed into the truck, making the suspension sink.

There was a reason Gavin preferred trucks while working with Roy. They were the only things sturdy enough to let the gargoyle ride along. He drove them backwards on the route to the apartment building. He had memorized the route there almost subconsciously. His sense of duty on autopilot.

"There's a woman on the second floor, Belle. I picked her up at the Parlour. I went inside to scape it when I felt Descended around. They were watching the crowd, could be routine but I can' help but feel like I've been anticipated. So I interacted as cover. The Descended didn't leave though so I ended up leaving with her. The weather was terrible and she had no ride, eventually I ended up inside and that's when I felt the flare up. I want you to find out everything you can on Belle. She's in apartment 2D, the one just beside the fire escape route." Gavin explained without going into the details of his encounter. Of his own personal struggle to resist the calls of the flesh. Just remembering how badly he had wanted to sink into her made him shudder with anticipation and dread. He knew that if he went back up there he might not be strong enough to resist her again.

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