Chapter 11 - Pandemic for Mistakes

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- Ray - 

I had no idea what happened. 

I'd seen Anais with this blonde guy and a little blonde girl, so I'd decided to follow them. They drove for a while finally stopping in front of a mountainside, I followed them around and into a cave. 

The last thing I remember is seeing a huge ship and a girl who looked almost exactly like Anais standing on the deck before we were buried by soil falling all over us.

When I woke up, I was covered in dirt, small rocks, and soil. I ran out of there and away as fast as I could, hoping no one spotted me before my getaway. 

I went to school for the registration for the exam passers, and to my surprise, everyone was there, it was like a normal school day and when I asked the administration about it, they said the exams weren't until 2 months!

I was starting to freak out, I looked at my phone and the date had changed, it was back to our second week of school. I started to wonder if the past months had just been a dream, but that didn't make sense as to why I woke up in a real cave. 

Just then, my heart sank realizing no one remembered a thing. It was good that Anais didn't since I was such a bitch to her and oh. my. fucking. cheese sticks. Hazel was alive. She was right there, sitting on her seat. 

I went to the bathroom to clear my mind and thought hard. Whoever killed Nova, Elena, and Evie, apparently made the mistake of taking Hazel, and she got away. Since she got away and would give away the killer's secret identity, he had to use his mad scientist skills and erase everyone's memories.

He made a mistake! The mistake was Hazel. Ok, it was rude of me to assume the gender of this masked murderer, it could've very well been a female. 

Either way, they made a mistake and would do anything to make sure their cover-up worked, meaning they would probably be watching people close to Hazel too. I have to act just like everyone else in order to hide my weird immunity to this memory loss pandemic. 

I went back to class and took my seat, as I turned around to talk to Anais, I froze. Martin. Sitting in front of Anais, I was wondering my head if they knew they were siblings when Anais saw me and started talking. 

Yep. She knew. That means... did he tell her? Did he remember?! No. 

It was at that moment when Anais and Martin were telling me all about their reunion because of anonymous DNA test results sent to them, and Hazel staring sadly at Lucas, I decided to turn off my emotions. 

This was unbearable for me, so I smiled and enthusiastically congratulated Anais and Martin and offered the idea to have a good family dinner that night. It was a very believable act, my acting skills were proven to be excellent in many situations. 

At that moment I was so mad. Anger built up inside me and the whole Chemistry lesson I was holding myself from breaking my pencil in half. I didn't understand why I was this mad, or at who. 

I'd also gotten a DNA test result, Hannah Soraya was my sister. I'd known this. 

Over the next course of days, I spent time with Hannah, and it felt natural, the bond we had was just as sisters. I also spent time with Hazel and Anais a bit and they both seemed to not remember anything, tho it was sort of weird the tension in the air. 

Life almost went back to normal, the normal of my first week of school. 

I was beating up some guys for a mission from Oreo, who was also back when I noticed something weird with one of them. A good kind of weird, he was just standing at the side, staring at me, he was also dressed differently from the others. 

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