Chapter 8 - Who Knew Trust Issues Existed?

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Ooooh myyyy cheeese! Someone turned around and seriously asked me if I ever gave someone a blow job. Cheese the audacity.

After further research about the topic of my disgust and noninterest towards these kinds of sexual intimacy, I have discovered that I am what they call Asexual.

Not of any importance anyway. I'm amazed kids at school can be so typical about this, a real death!! Yet, everyone is acting like it was some school arson attempt or something as if it's so usual. 

All besides those who were close to Nova or close to someone close to Nova are acting perfectly fine. Ok, Nova's death hit me hard. Not cuz I was close to her or anything, simply cuz that's what I feared, and a small part of me is wondering if that's why she died, cuz of me. 

So, let's go to the reason I stayed away from Ray and Anais to protect them. 

As the curious soul that I am, I started wondering about my real parents, who they are, and where they are - if they're still alive that is. 

I dug deep into this, obviously hiding it from Ray, Anais, and Oreo because it felt wrong to look for my parents as if they weren't enough for me, which they were more than enough of course!

In conclusion, I found out a part of why Oreo sent us to this school and that was because Hannah Soraya was my older sister. Also, I have more siblings, which is crazy because Hannah is an only child living in foster care; I know that because I've gotten pretty close to her ever since I found out about this little secret. 

The question is how I found out, well that's the part with the excitement.

Somehow Justin Kaleb found out about my research and offered to help me, which was suspicious but I trust super easily so I agreed. I have no idea how he knew but he came to me with DNA evidence of me and Hannah being sisters along with three other kids who are apparently also my siblings. 

What I didn't expect was that he wanted something in return. It was a simple robbery that I could easily pull off but I had no idea how important whatever I stole was to him. 

So when I accidentally lost it he also lost it. He went even as far as to threaten to kill everyone I love and care for, and that really got to me cuz of the fact he so easily and quickly found out about my bloodline.

I was intimidated so I decided to avoid everyone, by then the weird side things had formed and it seemed easy to just be with Justin to not infuriate him further. And then I thought things through and decided that if I dated Martin, obviously he wouldn't do anything and Jessica is of no importance so she can die, I don't mind. 

Thinking back I hadn't really talked to Nova much, but perhaps he just started with her to show me what he could do. Well there's a possibility it wasn't him but obviously no one would believe that; everyone suspects him and his brother.

Including me. Or else I wouldn't be sneaking into the investigator's office to get more info on the death. So the death happened two days ago. This is the second day, and only one full day passed. 

One thing is for sure. It's a murder. 

It took me ages to figure out the whole story without formal detective words. So what happened apparently was that Nova got knocked off by a hammer and had signs of struggle over her body like wounds and bruises. It seemed that the murder wasn't committed at the place the body was found - the woodland near Damian Jonah's house which was hosting a party that night - but the hammer was present. They suspect that she was murdered at one of the houses in the block and dumped there, or perhaps even at the party she was seen at. The thing to kill her though was a gun. A simple handgun. But the thing was that she was stabbed in several places with a piece of glass which was still in one of the wounds, and then she was shot in the arm and heart. 

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