Chapter 7 - The Death

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- Hazel -

The first thing I felt waking up wasn't the painful ache in my body but the tingly furry sensation on my skin.

I looked at the source of it. A cat. An orange one. OK, I've had all sorts of cats and loved them dearly growing up but I never had an orange cat. It was always Anais or Ray with the orange one. I just didn't realize that until thinking about it now.

When I was about 7 I had this adorable cat named Lightning, he was part white, part black, part brown, mixed, but adorable. I found it under a car when it was just a couple of months old.

Around when I was 10 he was all grown up and I used to let him go around on his own but he'd come back eventually; one day, he came back injured.

I was so frightened by it that I vowed not to let him get harmed so I kept him by my side all the time but at some point I realized that I'd been doing the same thing I was done to before.

Kept. Thinking it was best for me. Never letting me be free, independent, to be myself. Always on supervision. I hated myself for doing the same thing to a cat, even tho it was a cat, it had feelings and thoughts as well.

I let him go. I set him free. I remember the last time I saw him before I was taken by Oreo. Rescued. He looked at me as I entered the car, followed the car until it was too fast.

It was like leaving behind the only precious thing in my life, but I guess it was the best for both me and Lightning. I was honestly relieved to leave that place behind.

This cat didn't look like Lightning in the slightest.

It was slim with short fur but fluffy, with chocolate brown eyes and a green collar with a golden tag, carved on it with all caps was CARROT.

I admired the cat and just played with it not even realising where I was or what I was doing here, it was just me and Carrot.

Suddenly a noise came from the doorway which I also didn't realise was open, leading to some kind of hallway. It sounded alot like something had fell down, perhaps there were more cats in this... umm... what is this place?

The room I was in looked alot like a hospital room but the hallway looked almost identical to the hallways I pass each time I visit Ray's place, but I knew it wasn't Ray's place.

The walls were a deep shade of crimson, almost like thick blood.
I knew exactly who I was with. And who's cat this probably was. And what had made the noise.

"You're up" I couldn't tell if it was a question or statement so I just nodded. Even if it was a question, it was stupid.

"Why'd we move? You had a fight with your brother or smth?"

"Well I think it's best if I cleared away from him. He's not really mad or sad as he should've been but... it's best this way. He won't suspect me"

"What did you do?"


"You should wear some clothes"

I looked down and noticed I was in... boxers and a sports bra. I don't remember anything from yesterday because I was super drunk and high but for fucks sake I hope I'm the one who changed my own clothes.

It was off topic. I knew he wouldn't tell me. He always has his way done, always. And whatever he wants, he has a way of getting it, I really hate that sometimes.

So I decided to change the topic too

"What happened last night?"

He wasn't standing on the doorway now. He took a seat on the ground, stroking Carrot.

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