⚠ Chapter 10 - Wait wait, I'm dead?

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"You need therapy"

*whoop* *crash*

I watched as the things around me crashed and broke as I threw them at him. My anger was boiling up, and for the safety of myself and others, I stormed out with one last scream of frustration. 

I wasn't having it anymore, Lucas and his unreasonable behavior, that fucking bitch  مسكر راسه, that incompetent dickhead!

After we broke up I didn't know what to do since my plan included staying with him, but there was no way I was going back. So what to do, what to do?

I asked the only person who would help me, and sadly... that was Martin. But talking to him on the phone he decided that now was a good time to mention he was dating Ray and was in love with her!

"Oh my god Martin, this is so messed up! Ray and Anais are best friends, this is so against girl code. I know Ray never cared about girl code but Anais might. Plus what about Yumi? This is so messed up"

"Yumi... she's not here anymore. So she can't really give her opinion can she?"

"What? Where is Yumi?!"

"Relax. She's with Justin, she said I was too harsh, whatever that means"

"Then where am I going to stay? Come on Martin you've got to help me out on this. You're one of the only people who know"

"Evan. There are others who know. And those are people you trust, maybe try calling them and asking. Who else knows?"


That's how I ended up on Noah Asher's porch. 

I thought of Hailey but she lives with the Mays and they can't know, obviously. I also thought of Saanvi but she's staying with Harvey after things started to get all serious for them. A match made perfectly in hell if you ask me. 

Yeh Saanvi knows and I'm surprised she didn't tell everyone alive and dead. I knew Harvey would tell her since they're both huge gossipers, maybe I should've gone by and given them a cornflakes delicacy as a token of thanks for not telling everyone. 

Noah let me in without hesitation but after telling him I wasn't here for anything to do with Lucas he turned around with an interested look and asked me what happened. 

I told him everything. Lucas and I were over. 

He was acting so immature while telling me to be mature. He literally wanted me to change myself while he did almost everything I did, and he was unwilling to change himself! Apparently, if anyone didn't like him they could fuck off. 

So that's what I did. I fucked the fuck off!!

After taking out my anger of course.

Noah was really nice and even criticised his brother with me. Then we got to talking and talked like... A LOT. 

He talked about Nova and how nice and confident she was which made me wish the past was back, but it also made me feel uneasy. How was it so painless and simple for him to talk about Nova? Yes, he was saying nice things and how much he loved her but it made me wary of him. 

I can't trust him, I trusted his asshole of a brother and look where I am now. I can't trust anyone right now, especially not with all the secrets going around. 

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