Chapter 4 - Match Maker

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- Hazel -

Waking up at 6 AM was a routine, that it didn't even matter if I had slept a few hours ago, I just felt tired, which coffee would fix

It had been a tough night for me, I initially slept at around 11 pm but woke up because of a nightmare. Nightmares were now a usual occurrence, I had them almost every night, tho it didn't usually scare me this much or keep me awake this much!

This time the dream universe decided to pick my biggest fears, I was in a small classroom with one window and was getting asked a question, everyone's eyes on me. I needed space, it was so suffocating, but when I approached the door to open it, it wouldn't budge.

No matter how much I tried it wouldn't open, and the windows wouldn't either, it was slowly suffocating me, the pressure I was under becoming too much to handle, everyone staring at me, and feeling the room close in on me.

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, the walls turned into mirrors and spiders came out of nowhere, crawling their way to my body, I woke up with a start after that.

I was in a bad mood, not just of the nightmares, because of Oreo as well, and other stuff. So I called the only person I knew 100% would be awake at that hour. Anais.

We talked for a while until I hung up. I was awake for around 2 more hours after that until I finally fell asleep, the noise from the streets coming as white noise, slowly lulling me to sleep.

I was definitely not looking forward to school today, I had things to get done, and I had also broken my series of reading one book a day. I had a literal poster on my wall that read out 'A book a day keeps reality away'

I woke up earlier than probably both Anais and Ray, I wouldn't know since they aren't here but Anais surely did not wake up at 6 AM, she might've even just went to sleep!

I did my usual morning routine but the more I tried to be awake, the more sleepy I got. Coffee... I need... Coffee!!

I didn't make it. I ended up sleeping again, woke up 2 hours later at 8:12 AM. I went into complete panic mode, no but seriously I wasted 3 minutes freaking out and having a total breakdown before pulling myself together and pulling my 15-minutes-to-get-to-school-schedule out

Yes, I had a schedule for that, see? You have always to be prepared, you never know what'll happen, or when you'd need a backup schedule, or a backup schedule for the backup schedule, or the backup schedule for the backup schedule of the backup schedule.

It makes more sense when I say it in my head.

I easily followed my schedule and got to school in 10 minutes, having five minutes to climb the stairs and get to class.

I arrived just in time! We had Math. But... I'm pretty sure we don't learn about color shades in math. I looked again, at the 4 students in the room. They looked older and obviously non of the people I had seen yesterday.

I excused myself, also muttering a sorry, and closed the door. I looked back. Nope. I'm sure this was the class I entered yesterday. Had we changed classes? It took me another 5 minutes to get back downstairs and ask the receptionist where my class was

She pointed at the door closest to the principal's office. I thanked her and approached the door, so we had changed classes huh? This class had no windows through the hallway so you couldn't see anything going on inside

I knocked on the door and entered. Everyone turned around and looked at me. I hated the attention, like dafuq (the fuck) you lookin' at people? Look at the board!

The teacher was no older than 27, wearing a navy blue shirt, the first thing I noticed. He simply told me to take a seat and went back to writing what he had just started to write on the board, I instantly made a mental note of how chill he was about me being late

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