Chapter 5 - Actual Drama Begins

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- Ray -

The feeling of wind blowing against your face while your eyes are closed. Other people have problems sure, but I know for a fact when I have my own problems, it's just me.

Tell me something that'll stop my mind from fogging. What a shame nothing would work.

"...The original piece was with him but later on it was stolen by The unknown. For now all we can know is that apparently he's the only one who saw the face of The unknown so basically yes. And going back to my point..."

My mind was barely in it. All I could think about was the secret I had found out and the untimely danger that put me in

Sure, I'm in danger all the time because of what I do but this... this is something much more. Something big. It's not just me, it's everyone around me.

I love Hazel and Anais, and being with them lifts my spirits but after this, I doubt it would, everytime I'm around them I'd remember the fact that the more I'm with them, the more they're in danger. No.

I can't, no, I won't let that happen. I pulled out my phone started my transformation process

This would all work out but I need one last thing that would be the cherry on top, the way to convince everyone... I hate doing this so much but I need to.

*next day* *enters school* *heads turn*

Everyone looked at us. EVERYONE! Students, teachers, staff, heck I'm sure the class pets were even looking!!

I didn't feel the least comfortable, but I reminded myself why I'm doing this and I went on.

Once we reached my class he said goodbye and left me. THANK GOODNESS!!!! Finally! But everyone already saw, no going back now

I glanced around the classroom while entering, I caught Anais' dumbfounded look along with Lucas' slightly surprised but tried-to-cover-it-up look. Perfect!

Shame that Hazel isn't here, that girl is always late even if she's the most organised between us. I mean, she isn't late, but she's just perfectly on time, like she comes enters the class exactly at 8:30 because that's when class starts. Actually, she isn't late, we're all early, she's just on time!

I took a seat and made a mental note to give Anais a slap when this is all over, I'll probably forget to tho. But she seriously deserves a slap, a kick, a punch and a throw to Mars

We did all that drama and chaos just so she could share a book with Lucas while I shared with Evie, and get close to him. And they did, I mean they were laughing every two minutes but after when I asked her about it she was like "he's a piece of shit"

That was just because he hates BTS. Goodness Anais, I bet you barely 5 people in this school like kpop, it's just not a thing for people here, and that's their choice

I mean you can't get everything! Well except in fictional characters but obviously they're fictional so they only lack actually existing :')

Anais came up to me and tried to talk but I ignored her, I felt really bad but it was for her own good.

Soon class was about to start and Hazel arrived in time, knowing nothing was different. She entered and sat in her usual place, it hurt knowing she probably wouldn't look this calm later on

It seemed Anais filled Hazel in as in between the classes she came up and tried as well but was met with my ignorance

They both tried again and again until lunch break where he found me and I stuck to him like glue, which kept Hazel and Anais away.

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