"Pinned ya!".

"Hey, let me up!". Lloyd shoves the purple ninja off him and she start to walk away with her head raised up high. Lloyd smile impishly before pouncing on her, sending the two kids rolling around which eventually ended up with the brimstone girl holding him down again.

"Pinned ya again".

Lloyd groaned at this in annoyance while bai he just smirked down at him. The two kids looked at each other before they started laughing.

"Okay, that's enough goofing around, you two". Cole glared, a random protective feeling building up in his chest as he watched his sister get off Lloyd and helped him up.

"Not bad for your first fight". Kai commented, his lips formed into a amused smirk from the black ninja's unusual expression.

"I agree. You both have improved in your physical combat and are getting stronger with each passing day". Zane said, once again as jay chuckled and leaned towards him, whispering. "Yeah. Even if Lloyd did get his butt kicked by a girl".

Of course Lloyd heard that and scoffs saying "whatever". Jing had her hands behind her back and looked at him, smiling. "Don't feel bad, garmadon. I still consider us equals, even if I did beat you".

Lloyd just groaned and rolled his eyes, her comment was clearly not helpful. "Anyway, now that we're done, the latest issue of starfarer just came in at Doomsday comix and it's a limited run, so if I don't go out and get it, it's going to sell out. Last they left off, intergalactic rogue fritz Donnegan was surrounded by the imperial sludge, and if I don't find out if he gets out alright, I think I might have my own doomsday".

"Oh yeah, I think I've read that before". Bai he remarked, remembering the times she would read the book once in a while if she was ever board or just to prove to the ninja that she wasn't a total girly girl. She actually got them from mk out of curiosity and as a goodbye gift before moving from megapolis to Ninjago. "But I barely passed issue 10 and just forgot about it over time". Bai he had her hands crossed over her head and a thoughtful look on her face while gazing up at the blue sky.

"You see? That's another reason why I need it". Lloyd said to the ninja, taking what the purple ninja had said to prove his point before pointing a finger at her. "She needs it".

The ninja shared looks among themselves before looking back at the kids with a look bai he knew all too well.

"The faith of Ninjago rests on your shoulders. As the purple and green ninja, you both have a giant responsibility to hold. I'm sorry, but you don't have time for such childish things". Kai exclaimed, to which Lloyd sadly hanged his head and jing frowned, patting his back in comfort.

"Other kids get to play and have fun. All we ever do is train". Lloyd stated, going over to the railing while pouting before bai he joins him and sees the Destiny's bounty is almost out of jamanakai village, where they hear the children's playing in the distance.

"Guess our childhood's kinda over then, huh?". She muttered sadly, ignoring the guilty looks from the ninja. But before anyone of them could say anything, nya ran up from below deck in panic.

"Guys, there's been a break-in at the Ninjago city museum of history and the security cameras picked up you-know-who".

"Garmadon!". Cole glared at the named, along with his brothers.

"We have to stop him before he uses the mega weapon to start another one of his dilogicbal plots". Jay exclaimed, as the kids looked at them, both with the same thought in mind as they walked over.

"Uh, can we . . ." Bai he trailed off as the ninja looked at them, causing them to sigh knowing their attempt was pointless as always. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. We know the drill".

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