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The ninja watches in horror as wu held down a terrified pythor before turning to his students.

"You must do everything in your power to stop the great devourer. Go, ninja, go!".

Nya immediately takes off with Lloyd, who screams for his uncle, who nodded.


The great devourer emerges out of the ground and into the air, roaring as the ninja backed away to avoid sight. The giant snake sees pythor and wu and immideatly lungs at them, diving down and swallows them whole.

That did it. Bai he brimstone just lost her innocence".

"SENSEI!!!". She tried to run foward but Cole and zane held her back.

"No, bai he, he's gone! Sensei's . . . Gone".

"Sensei . . ."

"No . . ."

The ninja barely got anytime to morn their late sensei when the devourer notices their presence, much to their surprise.

Jay chuckled nervously. "Oh, maybe if we stand perfectly still . . ."


The ninja definitely didn't waist anytime to take the purple ninja's advise as they made a break for it, running back to the direction of the Destiny's bounty with the giant snake right behind them. And thanks to her little legs and pacing heart, jing was way behind the ninja.

She ran as fast as she could but she was still behind. Suddenly she could hear nothing but the sound of her racing heart and the ninja's voices tuning out. Thinking it was some kind of symptom before someone was about to die, she shut her eyes closed and braced herself for the worst. But it never came. Instead, her eyes snapped opened to reveal glowing purple orbs before her legs picked up the pace and she ran past Jay, making him spin and fall down.

The lightning ninja hears the terrifying roar of the devourer and turns around to see it gaining on him. Screaming, he instantly got to his feet to catch up with his brothers, yelling. "Wait! Wait for me!".

Inside the Destiny's bounty, lloyd stood on two stacked buckets as he watches through the window in worry as the ninja and bai he run towards the ship.

"Fire up the engines!". Nya ordered, running from the computer to the steering wheel before frowning seeing Lloyd at the same spot he was rather than doing what he was just told to do. "I said fire up the engines!".

Finally hearing her raised voice, the green ninja got off the buckets and gose towards the computer to do as he told.

"There's no wind. And we only have reserved fuel". He informed her on the technical difficulties.

"Use it!".

The ninja and jing finally entered the Destiny's bounty just in time as it takes off a few meters off the ground. "Made it!".

Jay was the last to enter before seeing the giant snake approaching them through the computer. "Uh, hate to tell you this, but objects in the mirror are closer than they appear".

"Working on it!". Nya exclaimed, as everyone helped out anyway that they can. "Blasters on full!".

"Yes ma'am!". Jing pushed the red button that brought out the ship's rockets and it takes off at full speed.

"Whoo-hoo! Take that, you stupid snake". Kai said, jumping off the stacked buckets he was on before the the great devourer's roar sounding a lot closer that expected.

The walker boy of the group gulped. " Uh, I think it hears you".

Suddenly, the giant snake appeared in front of the ship with it's mouth wide opened to swallow them. Until nya quickly steered the ship to the side.

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