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Jing leaned against a wall as she watched the ninja try to fix a lamppost while Kai struggles to use his elemental power. It's been nearly a week since the great devourer and the people of Ninjago had already began building the city back to it's formal glory. The ninja, being the good people they were, decides to help out in anyway they can. But there was also a downside, Cole and jing's father, Lou, had a event he and his blacksmith team had to go to and he wasn't quit sure if he could leave the ninja in charge of his home while he was gone. So yeah, they needed a new place to stay. Worst of all, bai he still had that white streak in her hair and has been doing her best to hide it from the others. And believe her it has not been easy, so she's had her hair in twin ponytails ever since to hide it.

Cole sighed. "Finally. All fixed up and serpentine free".

Kai groaned, still trying to summon his fire but fails, much to his annoyances. "Ugh, this is frustrating!". He exclaimed, while ignoring the street light almost tipping over but the guys got it. "Our weapons are gone and most of our emental powers are gone, expect for bai he's. I mean, we can still do spinjitzu, but . . .". The fire brunette grunts, once again trying to use his fire elemental powers, but the only flame coming out was from zane's blowtorch putting the lamppost in place. " . . . I just feel so, I don't know, limited. And thanks to the devourer, our tank's out of commission, our dragon's hurt, and now the bounty is destroyed. Not only that but Lou's out of town and now we don't even have a place to sleep".

"No one ever said the life of a hero would be easy, kai". Jing exclaimed, pushing herself off the wall. "Take me for example, I'm barely ten and I'm already kicking snake butt".

Zane take off his welding mask, smiling at her words. "Bai he is right. Though our good deeds may never make us rich, they make us rich in other ways".

"Yeah, well, I don't feel rich". Kai muttered, looking away.

"Look at it this way, kai, things can only get better from here. You just gotta look on the bright side of things". Jay said, carrying a old TV and tossed it inside a trash can. "I for one enjoy pitching in. I've always wanted to feel part of a community. Uh, speaking of which, anyone seen Nya? She said she was gonna help".

"And I have". Everyone turns to see the samurai arriving on a motorbike with master wu on the side car while holding a pamphlet. "I may have found us a place to live".

"Sweet wheels, nya". Jing commented as the samurai smiled down st her.

"Thanks jing".

"Really? You found us a place? But I thought there's a waiting list a mile long to live in Ninjago city. How did you do that?". Jay asked.

"I know a guy, who knows a girl, and she knows this girl who knows a guy. Well, this guy knows a girl who's a real estate agent and she can help you find a place, if you catch my drift". Nye hands bai he the pamphlet and she looks at the pretty design in fascination as Cole joins in from behind her.

"And where are you off to?"? Jay asked, seeing as his girlfriend and sensei were still on the ride.

"We have to find a couple of components to fix the ninja tank. And my dragon ointment has finally arrived. It's a day's trip, but once we get back, he'll be flying again. And make sure to keep an eye at Lloyd and jing, they can't be quit the dynamic duo. Also, I love scenic drives". The old man giggles before looking back at the driver. "Punch it, nya!".

"Ay ay, sensei".

The ninja watched as the two drive off with sensei cheering like a little boy again. "Yee-haw!".

"Bye, sensei! Bye, nya!". Bai he waves at the two dissappering into the distant before snickering. "Sensei can be such a child".

Cole chuckled down at her. "Like you're one to talk".

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