chp.1:is it even a human?

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From last two months, the number of mysterious deaths were increasing.....

Just in two months police had already found 18 dead bodies. Surprisingly these incidents were only occurring in a small city named lomba. This case was becoming so horrible and mysterious that every news channel of that area were streaming that on their news.

The people of lomba had already started to get feared and scared about it. People believe that the culprit is not a normal human... he's a psychopath but some even believed that he was not a human.

Simon and Robert were one of those local people who used to live in lomba. They used to study in same school and both were best friends.
That's the reason why they got admission in a highly qualified University of lomba. Their hometown was a little faraway from the University and that's why they took a home on rent and started to live together. Henry was their neighbor and used to go in same University as Simon and Robert. His family died in a car accident and he was orphan. To clear his day to day's expenses he started to work in cafe and small shops.

One day,

It was a dark and stormy night. Henry was on his way to home after having a reckless and hectic schedule. It was 12'o clock at night and no one was there except some street dogs on that can say that.....he loved that atmosphere. Walking all alone on that street at night while listening to lofi music through his headphones.

Suddenly....he felt like someone was there behind him and he was able to hear footsteps. He turned around but no one was there. He tried to erase that weird thing from his mind by telling himself that it was just a hallucination. As he started to walk ahead...he was able to hear those footsteps and  a sensation of same feeling that someone was there behind him. To avoid the worst scenarios he ignored all those things and started to walk a little faster.

“Where is lily?”, someone whispered that in his ears in a creepy tone. That's when he got panic and ran away as fast as he can.

Because of all that rush he took a long route. He wasn't familiar to that road but he had pass through it two-three times. But, was a whole different area. It was not that road from which he used to go from. His foots stopped its way in front of a garden.”when the heck was this created?”, he asked himself in confusion. He was still standing there while trying to process what was just happening to him until he saw one little girl sitting on a seesaw..... crying and whipping. He tried to approach her and get a little closer but.......

Everything blanked out.

POV:at 10:35 am

“At 10'o clock Morning on lomba's street... Police again found a dead body. While having a look at corpse, it was difficult to say if it's a murder or a suicide. That boy's eyes were still wide open and it was looking like as if he was still alive and was staring at everyone. Let us ask what is police's opinion on this topic”.one reporter gave this information while moving ahead towards one police officer. She gave one mic to that police officer and asked him,”sir, what do you think?....who could be behind this crime?is it a murder or something which is too much horrible?”. In return the police officer replied”, I am not soo sure about it but I suspect that it's a murder and the murderer was soo smart that he or she didn't even leave any marks or clues to suspect...or which can be driven for inspection. The way how the victim's every single bone was broken without any external and physical injuries.... it's too complicated to find out who the murderer is”. Everyone was listening to officer's talk soo seriously that it had created a dead silence over there.

Officer continued ahead,”everything done by that killer is just soo horrible that I suspect....if it's even possible for a human being”. A sudden panic rushed all over the crowd after listening to officer's statement. To control the crowd, the chief officer came up and started to tell everyone in a formal tone,”we can't possibly jump to conclusions without having any solid proof. So I request you all to not ask any of us something typically wierd. We will, and we are trying our best to find out who the culprit is “.


people had started to get desperate and to get answers of their never ending questions.Which made government to put more pressure on police department to find the culprit as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, simon and robert were watching the telecast of what was just happening while sitting on the sofa in their home robert got up and took the remote to turn off the TV.”what do you think about it, Simon?”.robert asked him while turning off the TV. Simon looked over at him and replied,”about what?”. “bruhh, ofc about that killer...”, robert told him in an informal tone.”oh...yeah, actually I am still confused about why they didn't mention Henry's name...they were addressing him as just with 'victim' why they didn't take his name?”, simon gave a reply to him... which wasn't certainly an answer to his question though.”yeah...but they must had some reasons behind that”, Robert gave him his genuine opinion.

“ are right”, simon told him while giving him a smile, sad one....

Actually, Simon and Henry had a nice chat yesterday, and they were about to hangout today but...this happened.

robert was observing that how deeply Simon was affected by Henry's sudden death.

Where is lily?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat