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Rimuru POV

I turned my attention to Feiyun after calculating the amount of power being put into this strike.

"We still have a bit of time before he releases that. I need you to tell me what you saw that night." I said, snapping her out of her spiraling thoughts

"I was still in Old Timer's body during that period of time. When she saw this Emperor, some kind of mind-controlling spell was used. I immediately swapped our consciousness to save Old Timer and fought a little with the Marshal before making a run for it. You saw the rest, and that's how I ended up here." Feiyun quickly explained

A mind control spell... It usually isn't possible for Kevin, Su, and Hua to have fallen to such a spell, but this world's logic... If they have Unique Skills, then it may have been difficult but if that spell was from an Ultimate Skill...

"We have fifteen minutes before that strike comes straight for us. I'll contact Ramiris and have Tempest evacuated into the labyrinth. In the meantime, make sure anyone and everyone around Tempest are inside the city. I'll reiterate this again, but absolutely no one must follow me." I commanded

... No, wait... Now that I think about it... The game...

"Why was Guy tolerating the existence of the Empire? His plan was to unify the world with the Demon Lord forces, right?" Diablo asked, looking at the screen again

"It is funny. Why, indeed?" Ultima wondered

"The battle would be more interesting if the strong gathered together, but Guy is surprisingly serious. I have a feeling that if he could, he would just go there personally and eliminate the fools..." Carrera added

Testarossa answered those questions, "It's simple. Velgrynd-sama is there. If we touch the Empire, we will be provoking Velgrynd-sama. That is why I've been so quiet in the Empire."

There was a mutter of 'so quiet?' from someone but I flipped my attention to the person Testarossa mentioned.


"What a surprise. I didn't know that White Primordial Blanc-" Minits paused as he saw a threatening smile on Testarossa's face and quickly changed his words, "No, Testarossa-dono had so much respect for the 'Scorch Dragon' who lives in the 'burning mountain of the gods'."

"'Respect' is not the word I would use. My relationship with the True Dragons was somewhat complicated. However, since our Lady Rimuru-sama and Veldora-sama are allies, it is only natural that I should pay my respects to Veldora-sama's sister as well, isn't it?" Testarossa mused

I see. So she's a True Dragon like Veldora. His sister, huh?

"Well, that definitely answered my question. A True Dragon..."

Calgurio suddenly spoke up, "With all due respect, I must say something. As far as I know, it is a fact that the Empire worships Velgrynd-sama as a guardian dragon. Even in the history of the Empire, she has been protecting us from angelic attacks. However..."

"It is only because the Empire is paying tribute to Velgrynd-sama, begging her to grant it on a whim." Minits added

"That noble and beautiful crimson dragon is a symbol of the prosperity of the Empire. We, 'Single Digits', must have an audience with that dragon after being accepted by His Majesty Rudra. We must remember her name and face and show her that we will never be hostile to him."

"Indeed, I have performed that ritual myself. Hostility is impossible. It's not an existence one can win against." Bonnie recounted

"A True Dragon... This might sound weird, but..." Feiyun pondered, "... But do you think that the Marshal and the Scorch Dragon are the same person?"

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