30 | pink flowers

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Vrishti was found on the banks of the stream on the outskirts of the village beside the Ruins, she must have gotten caught in the flood and washed away with the water.

She was reported to the nearest hospital and finally, somehow she was recognized from one of the missing reports.

Even though there were slight injuries on her body, there were no major complications other than the fact, she didn't remember anything from the mishap.

When her father found her, he shifted her to the city hospital and kept her in for observation.


Summer was in its prime and the tree with flowers in the shades of baby pink and coral bloomed outside the window of the hospital room and billowed to the mellow afternoon wind.

Vrishti eyed the petals as they fluttered to the wind, she concentrated on a specific one trying to remember something...anything but she couldn't.


A massive pain started forming behind her eyes, she shut her eyelids close and clutched at her aching heart.

She felt distressed, a numb feeling gripped her bones and she could feel the void she felt deep within as if something was getting missed, the feeling after you have parted ways with someone dear to you, just how it felt when her mother wasn't home for days, months and then never.

The sun shone so brightly if reflected against the glossy surface of the newly sprouted leaves, and the wispy clouds stretch in the cerulean sky as far as the eyes could see but it didn't feel enough, she longed for something.

Something to cool her warming skin, something fresh that she could feel on her tongue, like the rain.

She wondered how long was it for the monsoon to arrive, she wanted to go home.

She turned her head towards the door when she heard the door to her getting open. Her father peeked his head inside and she was met with his warm and familiar smile.

He entered and said, "Hey beta, good thing you have woken up. How are you feeling?"

He came closer and rubbed her head with his hand as he watched his daughter, the corner of his eyes crooked even more when he smiled.

just as always

Vrishti looked at his face carefully and despite the warm smile lighting up his whole face, there was a slight hunch to his shoulders and she could tell by the dark smudges under his eyes, how worried he had been.

Her eyes welled up and she clutched at his waist from where she had been sitting, "No beta don't cry. Does it hurt somewhere?", as he rubbed on his back.

After some sniffling Vrishti unwrapped his arms and rubbed on her nose as she shook her head, " No", her voice got muffled from the sleeve pressing on her lips.

"Look what I brought?"

He took out a blue tupperware covered in biodegradable plastic and slowly opened its packaging. That's when she finally smelt the delicious smell of bread with mayonnaise and cucumber.

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