18 | night song

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"why can't they see you?", she asked with curiosity reeling in her almond-shaped eyes

"mortals are forbidden to", he answered in his soothing voice

the skin between her brows wrinkled in a frown as she asked with worry, "then how can i see you?"

instead of answering her right away, he took a step closer to the distance between them as she fumbled to take a step back. he noticed this but didn't seem to mind as he leaned his translucent figure toward her opaque one

with a faint smile on his pale pink lips, he answered slowly, "because you want to", with his feather-like touch he brought his fingertips to ease the skin between her brows and leaned away with gleaming eyes


She opened her eyes suddenly and rested her back on the headboard as crickets sang the night song outside in the forest.

what a weird dream it had been

The encounter with the same person she saw in her dreams came to her mind.

in the morning

"I need your help", he repeated not getting up from his position.

Dark clouds had formed on the western skies for quite some time and as they advanced, a strong gust of wind billowed the cotton of her fabric even more hastily at this moment when Vrishti's eyes frantically looked at her surroundings, Vidhyut seemed unaffected.

His eyes burned with the same intensity and the storm in his eyes was even a
greater one than the one going around them.

She gazed down into his eyes as the stranded hair framing her face obstructed the view, she tried pushing them back, and in the midst of all this, the piece escaped her hands and fluttered down in between them.

Vidhyut's eyes lowered down for a moment as he lifted them something flashed in his eyes and looked down at the piece of paper again.

Vrishti bent down to take it but Vidhyut already had reached for it as his hands went right through it. So he kept his hand midair and indicated to her to stop when she already had it in her hands.

"Wha-?", Vrishti tried asking but Vidhyut cut in mid-sentence, "How do you have this?"

She opened her mouth then closed it and spoke at last, "This?", she pointed at the piece of paper. Defensively, she asked, "Why? Do you know this language?"

He nodded. Hope sparkled in her eyes and she almost forgot about all the fear and betrayal from the ma- mystical being before her, "Can you read it? What does it say?'

She pushed it in front of him to read but he didn't need to look down, the language was the whole existence of the conversations in his Kingdom, the official language of the Rayas.

" The ending is where it all began"

"How do you know this language? Do you belong to the same era when Vidhyut Raya ruled?", Vrishti asked the question cautiously.

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