13 | conspiracies

36 8 29


Vrishti took the stairs to the hotel room she shared with Naaz.

Closing the door on her way back to her bed, she noticed Naaz and Namrita on the bed at the other side of the room watching cartoons, they never get old.

When they noticed her, their faces bloomed into smiles, and greeted her with small hey-s.

"Ssup cutie?", Namrita smiled at Vrishti and leaned on Naaz's shoulder as they rested against the headboard.

"The usual", Vrishti muttered followed by a oomph as she plopped on the bouncy mattress of her bed.

"Whatcha watching?", She tried to lighten up as she asked the couple.

"Our favorite, of course", Namrita answered.

"uh-huh you mean your favorite", Naaz indicated turning towards her girlfriend.

Vrishti smiled as they bickered and turned to open her laptop which lay by the bedside table.

let's get to work

She opened the search engine and typed in the sentence which had been running on her mind for very long and the results were the pages filled with question forums, and conspiracy theories related to the Raya Dynasty.

She went through the titles of the links as they read:

"The lady who cursed the whole city of Alwan" (the capital of Raya)

"The infamous attack of the Vallisaars on Raya which brought the whole kingdom down"

" The mysterious death of Vidhyut Raya"

Vrishti opened the ones which spiked her interest and noted down the points which fed her curiosity but somewhere through it, her head throbbed a little and the last thing she remembered was

Varsha and Vidhyut

steps, hurried steps could be heard, they came from everywhere and it all seemed a blur

she looked up at the sky, the grays and the white monotones of the clouds looked a stark contrast against the towering trees around her and the world seemed to be doused in dusk

she wondered where she was, the uneven ground was soft and damp as she moved around in the wet and heavy clothes that covered her to the toe

she picked up the flowy gown of the dress and ran again. she couldn't get caught

she forced her legs and ran as fast as she could while the pelting droplets felt like arrows sliding across her face and exposed arms.

suddenly a hand shot through the trees and pulled at her when it got hold of her elbow just as lightning struck through the sky somewhere

no no no

the sky burst with a blinding white and she saw him. worried eyes met hers, his lips moved but the deep rumbling in the clouds made it impossible then it all went silent

MIZPAHOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz