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2 days later Sakura pulled up at Jake's school, "Now remember mommy has a meeting today, so I can't pick you up today, and neither can Daddy" Sakura explained to Jake "Why not? He promised he would today" Jake asked with a disheartened face. "Oh my little monster I am sorry, your father has a very important meeting to attend overseas, he won't be back until tomorrow morning, now if I finish up my work early enough I can take you upstate to see Granddad, however, I can't promise anything" Sakura replied. Wiping away the tears forming on Jake's cheek.

Hearing this Jake lit up "Okay mommy!" Jake replied with a beaming smile. "Now remember what I told you, no going with strangers, wait for Mrs. Patterson okay?" Sakura told. "Okay, Mommy I will" Jake replied hugging his mom, as she place a kiss on his forehead.

Sakura watched as Jaked entered the school building before driving off to work.

Meanwhile to Sasuke overseas

"Ah, ah, Sasuke, more, more," Noise could be heard coming from Grace's Apartment, Although Sasuke was married he couldn't help but entertain outside females on his overseas business trips. What his wife didn't know wouldn't hurt her, nor would she care, since their marriage wasn't real anyway! The sound of Grace's sweet melodies could be heard from Sasuke's suit, but Sasuke didn't care, he continued to put down work upon her.

Sasuke's phone began to ring, but he ignore it, he wanted to at least finish what he started. Besides, his wife was no help, and plus, there was no sexual contact between them, that was one of the deals they struck! But the phone call was persistent, Sasuke quickly finished up before answering the phone

A furious Mikoto came through the phone "Glad to see you can answer your phone with your busy schedule!" Mikoto said exasperated.

Hearing his mother's voice Sasuke pushed Graced off him, "Mother?! What is it?" Sasuke said annoyed.

"Sasuke! Your son!" Mikoto said alarmed, Hearing this Sasuke was fully alert . "what about my son?" Sasuke asked concern.

"He's been kidnapped!!" Mikoto replied panic filling her voice. "What! What the hell do you mean by Kidnapped?! How the fuck that could be possible!" Sasuke asked fully enraged.

"I don't know, Lucy went to pick him up and his teacher said, he was already picked up by his grandparents, but it wasn't us, or anyone on Sakura's parent's side," Mikoto said whipping

" but how are you so sure it wasn't Sakura's father? Or even more anyone from her father's people?" Sasuke asked furiously.

hearing this Sakura took the phone from Mikoto. "Sasuke! Could you shut up and listen! Our son is missing! My father has nothing to do with this! This has everything to do with you! Get your ass home right now and come help us find our son!!!!" Sakura said through the phone.

Sasuke was annoyed by this whole situation, but the whole point of hearing his son missing turned his whole mood upside down.

"Fine! I am on my way!" Sasuke said before hanging up..." Whoever it is, I am about to show them why I am the most feared person in New York City!!!" Sasuke thought before taking a quick shower and getting dressed

"Why are you leaving so soon baby?!" Grace asked walking towards him. " I have a family emergency, I have to go, I will let you know everything later, but for right now I have to go!" Sasuke told her, before packing up his things and existing Grace's Apartment.

To Jake who was now waking up "Oye Lisa that brat is waking up, what you want us to do?" one of the men asked. Being fully awake now Jake started to cry "I want my mommy! I want to Daddy! I want to go home" Jake screamed. "Hey kid shut the hell up before I do it for you!" another man threatened. Lisa came into view looking like a demon, she look scornfully at Jake "This is the snot nose tweet! I can't believe he would have a child with that bitch!!!!" Lisa thought glaring at Jake, which made him finch. "Who are you, lady? I want my mommy and daddy" Jake said crying again. "Listen here kid if you do not shut your mouth right now, I will lock you in the cage with my lions!" Lisa told Jake grabbing him by his shirt. That made Jake cry even louder.

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