The Encounter

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two days later Sakura and Jake were having lunch at hell's Kitchen in Manhattan when her phone when off like a bomb, irritated she look at the caller ID, and seeing it was no one she wanted to talk to she placed the phone back down. Jake looks up at his mom. "Mom is everything okay?" Jake asked. "Yes son" Sakura smiled as reached over and rifle his hair a bit. They continue to eat their lunch when the phone rang again, but Sakura ignored the phone again. "Uhm money I need to go use the bathroom" Jake stated before climbing off his chair. "Okay, do you want me to come with you?" Sakura asked getting up from her seat. "No Mommy, Jake is a big boy now, I can do it myself," Jake said walking towards the bathroom. Sakura watched as he walk towards the restroom smiling and how much he has grown.

Once again his phone began to ring, grinding her teeth, Sakura answered the phone, "What!!" Sakura growled.

"Is that any way to speak to your father? You need to get down to the kingdom hall right away!" Kizashi told her. Sakura raised her eyebrow, was he serious right now "Oh, I am very sorry but I am very busy today, I can't make that request" Sakura said before hanging up the phone.

Meanwhile to Jake who was coming from the bathroom and Sasuke who was entering the bathroom ran into each other. Sasuke was about to growl at the child when he looked down at the child in front in, at the same time Jake look up at Sasuke. "Hey! he looks just like me! Could he be my father?" Jake thought. Sasuke on the other hand was a bit taken aback. "Who the hell is this kid and why does he look like me," Sasuke thought. Before he could ask, Jake hold his leg calling him daddy, Sasuke froze "Daddy? Hey kid, I am not your father!" Sasuke said prying the child off his leg.

"Yes you are, you are my daddy! Daddy, I finally found you!" Jake cried. Sasuke was getting irritated by this because now the child was making a scene. Hearing the pandemonium coming from the bathroom area. Sakura walked over to see the stand-off between her son and this tall handsome business-like individual. She ran to her son's side grabbing his hand. "Jake, what are you doing?" Sakura asks him. "Mommy, Mommy I found Daddy!" Jake said excitedly. Sakura froze at those words, she slowly turn to look at Sasuke, who was fuming. Sakura gasped at the resemblance. But the look on Sasuke's face was not a pleasant one. "What!! Do you always instruct your child to call total strangers their father!" Sasuke spat out! Enrage Sakura took the water off the nearby table and splashed it into Sasuke's face "How dear you! I don't care who the hell you are, but don't speak about how I raise my son! He only made a mistake! Do you have to be such as asshole about it!" Sakura told him before grabbing Jake and walking off.

Sakura place the money on the table for the waiter and walked out.

When they got outside, Sakura reprimanded Jake "Why would you do such a thing, Jake?! You know that is not your father!" Sakura asked him a little bit irritated. "But Mommy that's daddy, I know, it is!" Jake replied tears running down his face. "He is not! Now stop that! I don't ever want to hear you call him that again! What has gotten into you!" Sakura said sternly.

Jake began to sob "I-I'm s-sor-ry m-mom-my" Jake replied through his sobs. Sakura could never stand to see Jake cry, signing deeply she picked him up and hold him close. "I am sorry buddy, but Mommy doesn't want anything to happen to you, please don't do that again, okay?" Sakura told him wiping away his tears. Jake nodded as they entered the car

Meanwhile to Sasuke

"How dear this woman throw water in my face! And that kid of hers, why does he look just like me" Sasuke thought as he stormed out of the restaurant. As he walked out he saw them entering the vehicle, he paused for a minute. "Claude!" Sasuke called out. "Sir? Claude replied.

I need you to find out everything you know about that woman and her son!" Sasuke said while entering the car. "Yes, sir would you like me to get the information from the restaurant?" Claude asked him. But all he did was glare at Claude, which made him flinch a bit. Claude swallowed hard. "Very well sir, I will have the information for you by the end of tomorrow.

Note: sorry I know this part is short but the next one will be longer with more drama, hope your guys enjoy this part :)

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