Truth, Secret, and Lies

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Since the meeting, Sakura has been harassed and threatened by her father, but Sakura ignored them all. Sakura was about to have a shower to pick up Jake who spend the night by Ino, when there was a light knock on the door. "Who is it?" Sakura called up, but there was no answer, Sakura shrugged and continue towards the shower when another knock on the door. Irritated she when to open the door "What the hell do– you– want" Sakura finished as she saw that same "man from the restaurant. Sasuke slowly roam her body until he got to her scornful face. "Can I help you Mrrrrrr...?" Sakura waited for him to answer but he just stood there watching her. "Look I have somewhere to be so if you have nothing important to say, I will be going now," Sakura said closing the door, but Itachi blocked it.

 "Please excuse my bother rudeness Ms. Haruno, but we would like a word with you if you have time," Itachi told. Sakura eyed him suspiciously, she looked between the two of them, seeing the resemblance, are you two brothers?" she asked. They both nodded their heads. "Okay so make it quick because I have to go meet my son!" Sakura said leaving the door open for them to come in. "you mean he's not here?" Sasuke asked looking around. "Uhm no! He's with a friend, why?" Sakura asked cautiously now.

 "Okay, we will cut to the chase Ms. Haruno, who is that boy's father?" Sasuke asked his arm crossed and leaning against the wall. Itachi turns to glare at him. "Well, I meant to ask you that more in a subtle way, but as you can see my brother isn't that subtle," Itachi told her, giving her a light smile. " Sakura look at them surprised, "Why the hell do you want to know that information?!" Sakura asked backing up to put more space between them. Sasuke seeing her panic, got off the wall and approach her 

"Is that my son? Answer me damnit!" Sasuke asked her, stopping right in front her. Sakura glared at him "Who the hell do you think you are? The nerve of you, wasn't it you the same one that reprimanded me for my son calling you daddy? And here you are in my hotel room demanding answers from me?" Sakura told him stepping back from him. Seeing the tension between them Itachi stepped in.

 "Okay everyone calm down, let's just take a breather, we won't get anywhere with you two acting like this" Itachi told them. Before Sakura could say another word there was a knock at her door. "Now what!" Sakura said before grinding her teeth. "What!!!" Sakura growled, yanking the door open. There before her stood Naruto and off-course Hinata. Sakura groans in annoyance "What is it about today? Was it annoy Sakura day!" Sakura thought. 

"What do you want?" Sakura said, more like a growl. "Oh come now Sakura is that any way to speak to your loving little sister and your EX-fiance" Hinata told her. Sakura knew what Hinata was doing, she was so over it, maybe 6 years ago this would have worked, but today and now, she has zero interest in anything she or Naruto has to say.

"Sakura, Dad wants you to come to the Engagement celebration tomorrow Friday night, he said if you do not he will make sure your grandfather's life will be a nightmare!!" Hinata told her with a smirk on her face. Sakura's eyes turn cold and vicious "If he does anything to him I will make sure no hole he crawls in will hide him from my wrath!" Sakura spat out.

Inside where Sasuke and Itachi were listening attentively, both exchanged looks and then nodded.

Sasuke stepped behind Sakura opening the door wider to reveal both him and Itachi, "if that's all your business here, I suggest you leave" Sasuke told them. Hinata's eyes popped open, "Sa-Sasuke Uchiha and his brother! How did she" Hinata thought. Naruto glared at them 

"It was bad enough that you sleep with a stranger back then, now you trying to sleep your way to fame Sakura? How despicable of you, and here I thought you would change after all these years, but I see you're the same as always, just a whore! I am glad I made the right choice with Hinata, cause you would only tarnish the Uzumaki family name! Naruto told her. Hinata smirked at Naruto's cruel words to her. Naruto's words shouldn't have hurt her, she thought she had numbed all those feelings for Naruto all those years, but hearing him condemn her made Sakura's heart crash. Hearing this, Itachi and Sasuke got upset and were about to say something but Sakura beat them to it. 

Sakura turn her murderous gaze to Naruto: "Oh, and I suppose, who do you think had me drugged and placed me in that hotel room all those years ago uh?!" Sakura asked him, furious! Hearing this, Itachi and Sasuke exchanged another look. "Naruto looks at her confused, while Hinata looks nervous. "What are you talking about now Sakura? No one did anything to you! You're just trying to take the blame off yourself for your carelessness and pass it on to others, poor Sakura, ashamed of your own misdeeds, you know you always were a slut, and these two men standing in your suit just proved it. Don't mind her Naruto baby, let's go home, we came here to do what we were asked to do anyway." Hinata said, trying to dismiss Sakura's statement" Naruto looked at her before looking back at Sakura who had a flash of hurt before quickly masking it. 

"Hinata you know what you did, I don't have to answer my life to anyone, you know you were the one who drugged me, and you deliberately left me in that hotel room, you knew damn well I was a virgin, I never slept with anyone, I was saving myself for Naruto for our wedding night!! But because you were jealous of what you didn't have, you lied, schemed, and blackmailed your way to get what you wanted. Well if that's what a great person she is, then you can go ahead and have her, I do not care for any of that. But you can give my father a message for me, tell him I am not going to attend anyone's engagement, I wish you guys the best, I will be leaving tomorrow anyway, so goodbye!" Sakura said before closing the door behind her. Sakura completely forgot Itachi and Sasuke were there, she walked into the bathroom and closed the door, and cried.

Sasuke and Itachi watched each other "So she was the girl I slept with 6 years ago, I thought something was wrong with her that night, now I know why she was acting the way she was." Sasuke thought. "What will you do now little brother?" Itachi asked. Sasuke looked at him "What do you mean?" Sasuke asked "Did you not hear what she said, she's leaving tomorrow with your possible son" Itachi told him. "Like hell, she will," Sasuke said as he strode to the bathroom, he was about to knock on the door but there was another knock on the front door, Sasuke halted and turned to watch the door.

Sakura forgetting she had guests came out in a hurry running straight into Sasuke causing the towel to drop, giving Itachi and Sasuke a nice view. Shocked, she quickly picked up the towel, securing it back into place. "What the hell are you still doing here!!" Sakura told him, before he could answer, another impatient knock sounded on the door.

Walking to the door she opened it to find Ino and Jake at the door "Girl I thought something was wrong with you, you weren't picking up your phone, you didn't show up, I thought these people were..." Ino words trailed off when she saw Sasuke and Itachi standing inside. "Awww you have company, had I known that I wouldn't rush over here with Jake," Ino said smirking. Hearing that, Jake looked past his mother to see the same man from the event, with a smile on his face, he called out: "Daddy!!" as he run to him. Sasuke don't know why, but he automatically picked up Jake "Hey buddy you fun," Sasuke asked. Ino looked confused "Daddy? Wait, isn't that Sasuke Uchiha!" Ino thought as her eyes opened wide, "Sakura! You didn't tell me you slept with Sasuke Uchiha!" Ino whispered. "Wait! It's not what... I mean... I..." What a mess Sakura said paming her face with her hand.

Turning around to watch the two of them, she was shocked at just how much they really do look alike. But "it can't be, I didn't, I mean could I?" Sakura questioned herself. "Okay everyone out! Jake, I already told you, that's not your father! Now if you excuse me I need to pack! We have a plane to catch in the morning!" Sakura said, taking Jake from him. "Wait we leaving?" Jake asked "Yes buddy, don't you want to go back to Paris, you get to see your aunt Patty again, plus mommy has to go back to work," Sakura Told him brushing his hair out his eye. "But what about Daddy?" Jake asked, looking sad. "Jake, I already told you that is not your father! Now stop that!!" Sakura told him. "Ms. Haruno if I may ask you, please postpone your fight until the weekend, just come have Dinner at the lotts hotel with us tomorrow, I promise you, after you hear what we have to say and you don't agree, we will have our personal jet fly you out to France, how does that sound?" Itachi asked. Sakura was about to decline, but Ino answered for her. "She will be there!" Itachi nodded before walking out with Sasuke taking one last roaming look over Sakura's half-naked body before leaving. 

Sakura glared at Ino after the two men left. " Why the hell would you agree to that! What makes you think I will go?" Sakura asked, "Sakura listen to me, look at that little boy, you can't tell me he doesn't look like Sasuke! You need to find out, if not for yourself but for Jake!" Ino told her. "Find! But if anything goes wrong I am blaming you!" Sakura said before walking back to the bathroom. "You welcome" Ino said after her before giving Jake a wink.

Note: I appreciate your support guys, I hope you like this part, feedback is always welcome guys. It's always a Joy to read your comments.

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