The Event(I Will Not Sign)

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Three days later Sakura's father called her and left a threatening voice note on her phone. Grounding her teeth with annoyance she returns his call.

-Father what seems to be the emergency?

-don't play with me Sakura! Get your ass at The Ritz Hotel at once! And leave that bastard child behind!

-and why would I be doing anything you ask?


"Who the hell does he think he is? First, he kicks me out of the family and now he demanding things from me! What are you up to Father!" Sakura thought as she look up Ino number to call

"Mommy? Are you leaving me again?" Jake asked with sad eyes. "Sigh, come on Jake not this again, you know I am only going for a little while, I thought you like spending time with Aunty Ino and your cousin Inojin?" Sakura asked picking him up. "I do but I want to spend time with you, I don't want to say here, can I please come with you, Mommy? Plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllease? I promise I will be good, pretty please?" Jake begged putting on his biggest puppy dog sad eyes.

Sakura laughed "Okay kiddo you can come with mommy but, just remember to stay quiet and be good okay," Sakura told him "Okay Mommy!" Jake replied excitedly. "Sakura kissed his cheek before letting him go. "Okay kiddo go get ready, Mommy has one more phone call to make before getting ready," Sakura told him. Jake nodded before disappearing into his room.

A few hours later to The Ritz hotel the Haruno family was entertaining some guests, when Hinata walked in, all eyes were on her. "Whoa, Naruto you quite the lucky guy, your fiancee is stunning" 1 guest commented. "Yeah, nobody can rival her beauty and charms, you sure picked a good one" another guest stated. Ino who was in the crowd heard their comments and snicked in disgust. "As if that bitch could ever rival Sakura in beauty or anything at that, no worries they will soon eat their words once Sakura gets here. I hope she wore what I told her to." Ino thought sipping on her glass of wine.

"What are you up to now Ino" Sai asked coming up behind her with a glass of scotch in his hand. "Whatever do you mean, I am not up to anything, I am only here to support my friend! She doesn't trust them and neither do I" Ino replied. Sai eyed suspiciously "Sure whatever you say wife" he replied kissing her lightly on the cheek.

Meanwhile to the Uchiha

"Sir, I looked into what you asked, the young lady is Sakura Haruno, 27 years, she is the daughter of Kizashi and Mebuki, 6 years ago she was betrothed to Naruto Uzumaki, however, the engagement was called off and she left for France, she had been a resident of France ever since there is no other information about her or her son sir," Claude told him.

Sakura glared at him "And what am I to do with this? I told you to find out about her and her son! What are her skills, who is that child's father? Information like that I need! And I want it now!!!" Sakura growled. Claude flinched, "yes sir," Claude told him before quickly exiting his home office.

"Hmmm look like someone is in a foul mood, I wonder what it is about today," Itachi told him leaning against the door. Sasuke glared at him "Not today Itachi, I am in no more for your shit today!!" "hmm I can see that, what have you in such a grinch mood today little brother?" Itachi asked coming closer to him.

Sasuke didn't say anything he just learn back closing his eyes, a flash of that night came to mind, and he jump to his feet. "I must find out about who's that child!" Sasuke stated not realizing he said it out loud. "Child? What child?" Itachi asked his curiosity peeking now.

Sasuke just look at him and sighed, he sat back down in his chair took out some pictures from his file, and tossed them towards him. Itachi raised an eyebrow, are we a pedophile now" Itachi said laughing. But Sasuke wasn't amused. "Just look at the damn pictures" Sasuke replied.

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