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Weeks later Sakura walked into Fugaku's Co-operation, and she was greeted by the receptionist.

Weeks later Sakura walked into Fugaku's Co-operation, and she was greeted by the receptionist

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"Good morning miss can I help you?" Karin asked. Before Sakura can respond, Itachi walked towards them "Good Morning Sakura, you here early, this way, let me show you to your office." Itachi told her. Sakura nodded as she followed Itachi down the long hall and turn to the left and then another left until they came to a huge office. "Here we are, this will be your office, Macy will be your assistant, if you need to know anything else I will be down the hall from you," Itachi told her. "Wait you work here?" Sakura asked confused. "Well yes I do," Itachi said laughing.

Sakura looked at him, "Uhm I thought, never mind, just tell me what it is that I need to get done" Sakura replied, walking in the office and taking a sit. "Someone will be in the show you what it is that need to get done, when you finish with the final draft send it to me and I will take a look at it" Itachi responded. Sakura nodded as she turn on her computer.

A few minutes later Sakura's phone began to ring, looking at the caller ID she saw it was Sasuke calling, and she answered

"Good morning did you get yourself situated well?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes I did, I am just waiting for someone to show me what it is that I have to get done" Sakura replied.

"Hmmm, let me know how that goes, good luck today, and if any trouble let me know" Sasuke replied.

"Why would they be any trouble?" Sakura asked.

But Sasuke didn't elaborate any further he just told her to have a good day and hang up.

Shaking her head, she felt a bit irritated with Sasuke but she just let it go.

Sakura's door opened and in walked a red-headed, slim-figured woman dressed in business attire, she walked inside already having an attitude. "Are you supposed to be the new General Manager?" Lisa said with a disgusting look on her face.

Sakura looked up at her "Who the hell is this bimbo" Sakura thought. "Yes that would be me, and who might you be?" Sakura shot back.

" I am here to show you how to do your job, how ridiculous is that! Why are they hiring people who don't know how to do their job!" Lisa continues to ranting

Meanwhile, to Itachi who was making his rounds heard what Lisa was saying, he lean on the wall listening "Let's see how she handles herself" Itachi thought.

Sakura stood up "Excuse me! I know how to do my damn job! And pretty damn well at that! However this is a new company and in order for me to do my job to my fullest capacity, if you don't want to show me how to do MY job that's fine, I will simply have the CEO know that you being a bitch! So either help me or get the hell out of my way!!!" Sakura told her

Itachi who had been listening the whole time started laughing and came out of hiding and into the office clapping "Bravo Sakura, Job well" Itachi told her "Mr. Uchiha I didn't realize you were in today" Lisa said with a shocked look on her face.

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