The Return

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6 years later the pilot announced they were about to land at LaGuardia airport. An adorable little boy touches Sakura's face, waking her from her slumber. Sakura pries one of her eyes open, making the little boy smile. "Silly mommy, open your eyes we landed, we landed! Jake said excitedly. Sakura smiled "Okay you little monster, I am up" Sakura replied with a giggle.

Sakura departed the plane clutching the little boy in her hand. As they exited to go to their ride, Sakura saw two familiar faces that she definitely didn't wish to see. "I was really hoping I didn't have to see these two so early! Why now!" Sakura said to herself. Jake looked up innocently at his mother "Mommy? Mommy are you okay" Jake asked, seeing her cold expression. Sakura looked down at her son and smiled. Looking at Jake always brightens her darkest day. "Yes I am, let's go," Sakura said, walking towards them.

"Big sis, is that you, I can't believe it's been 6 years already," Hinata told her with a fake smile on her face, Naruto on the other hand, looked at her with indifference, but his attention was soon drawn to Jake. "Who the hell is this?" Naruto asked Sakura, glancing at the child who was now hiding behind Sakura's leg.

Hinata got irritated, there was no knowledge of Sakura being married or having a child! So who the hell was he? Hinata quickly decided to charm her way to get some answers." well little sister you never said you were married or have a child at that, or is he that guy child that you had that affair with 6 years ago" Hinata taunted. Naruto saw red, "is that true Sakura? Is that child that bastard owns? Are you fucking kidding me! Not only did you cheat on me but you have the nerve to have that bastard child too!!!! How low can you get, you absolutely disgust me! I am so glad I didn't marry you, your sister is a much better suit for me than you!" Naruto spat out. Jake was looking at them with anger in his eye

"Hey leave my mommy alone! You are bad people!" Jake said jumping in front of his mother protectively.

Hinata looks at the child with disgust "Is that how you train your bastard child!" Hinata said glaring at the child, I can see where he get it from, maybe we should take him in, we would teach him better manners, you must be still broke and can't take care of him well," Hinata continued to taunt Sakura, "You ugly and wicked people! Why are you bullying my mommy?" Jake stated. "You little brat who the hell are you calling ugly," Hinata said lifting her hand to slap her son. Sakura halts her hand and glares at her sister as she spat out. "What right do you have to strike my son, the next time you try that, you will lose that arm of yours," Sakura said pushing her hand back and then walking away with Jake.

Hinata pull Sakura's arm, where do you think you're going I am not done with you yet you whore!" no sooner the world left Hinata's lips she regretted those very words. Sakura slapped her! Hinata screamed which attacked some onlookers. "YOU BITCH!" she screams "Sakura how dear you do this to your sister and my fiance!!" Naruto growled. Sakura smirked sinisterly, well next time you tell her to watch her mouth in front of my son, if not I won't hold back." Sakura said as she continued to walk towards the waiting car. Both Hinata and Naruto watch her in shock. this wasn't the person he remembered 6 years ago at all, this left mixed emotions in Naruto's heart as he watched her retreating back.

Meanwhile on the other side of the lobby dressed in a black tux, a very intrigued Sasuke who saw everything unfold before him was very impressed by how Sakura handled herself, she also looked very familiar, but couldn't place his finger on it, "sir? Mr Uchiha sir? The limo has arrived, shall we go?" Claude told him opening the limo door. Sasuke taking one more look at Sakura's retreating back smirked as he entered the limo before it drove off. 

Note: I am so glad you guys like this one, I am trying something completely new and twisted. I really hope you guys like it. I am open to feedback. 

SECOND CHANGE IN LOVE(from nothing to something)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin