Sakura: <nodding> Yup, yup.

(Y/N): Anyway, we should get some sleep. We have another exciting day of traveling before we reach the Land of Eddies.

Naruto: Oh, boy. I can't wait.

Two days later

(Y/N) and Minerva were singing again, but this time Sakura joined them.

(Y/N)/Minerva/Sakura: Isse no se de fumikomu gorain bokura wa!
Nanimo nanimo mada shiranu!
Issen koete furikaeruto mo nai bokura wa!
Nanimo nanimo mada shiranu!

Naruto sweat dropped at them. Sai walked alongside him, blank faced.

Akio was walking next to Minerva who was holding his hand and jumping. Every time she jumped, he was pulled upwards a bit.

(Y/N): Oh, look! Uzushiogakure is up ahead!

Minerva: Excellent! We made it!

Sakura: All right!

Naruto: Finally!

Sai: Oh.

Akio: ...

The group hurried towards the abandoned village.

It was nearly completely wrecked. Only a couple buildings were left standing.

Naruto: This...This is where my clan comes from?

Minerva: Oh, my... I didn't expect it to be this trashed.

(Y/N): This is what happens when multiple nations team up to destroy something.

Sakura: This is really depressing.

Naruto looked at a broken pillar and saw a familiar swirl symbol on it.

Naruto: Hey! This looks like the symbol on Konoha equipment and on my jacket!

Minerva: That's right. It's proof of our village's ties with Uzushiogakure.

Sakura: So what exactly are we here for, Minerva? You're looking for something?

Minerva: The First Hokage's body was found just outside of this village.

Sakura/Naruto: What?!!

Sai: Do you intend to look for what killed him?

Minerva: Mmm... That would be difficult, considering how long it's been. I want to know why he was even here in the first place.

(Y/N): How will you even find something in any of this?

Minerva: There's tons of things you can find in wreckage and debris. Something had to be important enough for the First Hokage himself to come out here, and something had to be powerful enough to kill him.

Naruto: Something killed the First Hokage?!

(Y/N): Yeah. His body was crushed.

Naruto: <nervous> Oh, man... I'm getting a bad feeling now...

Sakura: Are you scared, Naruto?

Naruto: N-No, of course not! Besides, whoever killed him is probably far away from here by now. Hehehe...

He continued to sweat.

Sai: I think Naruto's scared. He's sweating and everything.

Naruto: Shut it, Sai!

Naruto Shippuden (Male Reader Insert)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن