Chapter 32

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I was enjoying the party with the girls when my phone ran. I answered the phone.


"Khloe, it's Kanye," I smiled.

"How's it goi-" "Sinclair is in the hospital."

I dropped my glass of water, the cup instantly shattered, cutting off the music as everyone turned to look at me.

"Hospital? What the fuck happened?" I freaked out as my sisters, Lauren, and mom came over.

Mom took my phone to talk to Kanye while the girls sat me down on the couch, Lauren was attached to my side and Kim cleaning the broken glass.

After few minutes, Mom hung up and turned to us. 

"So, the boys and Sinclair was at a club when Sinclair and Tristan ran into each other. Apparently, Sin said something and Tristan attacked Sin and now Tristan is arrested and Sinclair is at the hospital treating for two broken ribs, a broken left arm, and a broken nose."

Everyone gasped at the damage and we all immediately get our stuff, got in the car, and headed to the hospital. I jumped out of the car and headed inside to see the boys.

"Kanye! Where's Sinclair?"

Kanye turned around, "She's getting treated along with getting a cast. Should be done in few minutes."

Soon enough, a doctor came out, "Family of Sinclair Reyes?"

We all stood up, "I'm her fiancée. How is she?"

The doctor sighed, "Sinclair is a lucky woman. Couple of more punches, one of her broken ribs would have punctured her ribs. Thankfully that didn't happen. We reset her nose, put her left arm in a cast, and wrapped her ribs."

As we talked, we started walking to Sinclair's room where I was greeted by unconscious Sinclair laying in bed with a bloodied clothes and a black cast on her left arm, a bruised face, and wrapped torso. My eyes teared up as I walked in, holding Sinclair's hand in my hand. I carefully stroke her cheek as a tear leaked out. I sighed and wiped the tear away and leaned down to kiss her forehead and left the room. I was greeted by the others.

"I'm pressing charges against Tristan and suing for child custody," I said to the group. They nodded while Mom start calling the lawyers about it.

I went back to the room along with Lauren who was worried about her Ma and we sat by her bedside and waited for her to wake up.

" the wedding postponed?" Lauren asked curiously. 

I sighed, "Definitely. I want Sin to be all healed up and ready for the wedding."

We continued to chat for a bit while I rubbed my four month pregnant belly until we were disturbed by mumbles.

We immediately looked to the bed to see Sinclair slowly opening and rushed to her side.

"Baby! Open your eyes sweetheart," I cooed.

She finally opened her eyes and looked at me, "Khlo?"

I chuckled tearfully and kissed her forehead, "Yeah, it's me baby."

She turned to see Lauren, "Hey kiddo."

Lauren sniffled and moved to bury her face on Sin's shoulder, "Hi Ma."

She ruffled Lauren's hair and reached over to grab my hand, rubbing her thumb on the back of my hand. In that moment, I knew everything is going to be okay.

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