Chapter 8

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It was the day of the tournament and Kylie is currently on her way to my house to help me out with my outfit. I'm currently in True's room getting her dressed for Scott when he comes to pick her up. Scott has offered to watch our kids while us girls goes to the MMA fight.

"Now, I want you to be for Uncle Scott, okay?" I asked True who just stared at me then grinned. I smiled back chuckling, "Glad you understand."

I grabbed her diaper bag and put True on my hip and walked downstairs at the same time the doorbell rang. I dropped the bag by the front door to open to reveal Scott.

"Hey Scott," I greeted.

"Sup, Khloe and hey True," he replied with his hands out.

I handed True to Scott and grabbed the bag explaining what's inside that is needed for True.

"Khlo, Khloe!" Scott called out interrupting me, "I have three kids, I'm pretty sure I know how to take care of one baby."

I nodded while blushing slightly.

"Alright bye bye baby," I said my goodbyes to her who was distracted by the necklace that was around Scott's neck.

"Bye, I'll see you tomorrow and send my best to Sinclair, I'm rooting for her," he said with a smile at the end and walked away to his car. I watched as he drove away then Kylie's car appeared, parking in the previous spot that Scott was.

Kylie popped up from the car and walked to me as she said with a pout, "Aw Dang it. I missed True."

I laughed as we both went inside the house and went up to my room where Kylie immediately went to my closet and I went to my bed.

"Alright, so we're going for sexy and jaw dropping outfit..." Kylie trailed off murmuring to herself.

I sat there playing games on my phone for about 30 minutes until Kylie came out with clothes.

"I have found the perfect outfit," Kylie announced, presenting the outfit.

It was a long sleeved black shirt with a logo that I'm not familiar with, light blue jeans, and a black closed heels.

"Now put this on and for your makeup, I was thinking of smoky eyes with lip gloss," Kylie ordered.

I followed her instructions and soon we were in Kylie's car heading to the tournament.

We arrived at the arena and met up the girls dressed up too. We went to find a worker to get find Sinclair. Kylie found one and we managed to get the information from them and started heading to her locker room.

I can feel my heart beating fast at the thought seeing Sin again after our confession and kiss couple days ago.

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