Chapter 21

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I woke up as the sunlight hits my face making me groan slightly. I felt arms around my waist tightened so I turned to my other side to see Sinclair drooling slightly while snoring making me giggle at the sight. I pecked her cheek and got up while untangling myself from her grasp. I put on one of Sinclair's shirts that draped just above my knee and one of her boxers. I left the bedroom and into the kitchen where I was met with Lauren sitting on the stool drinking coffee.

"Morning," I softly said trying not to startle Lauren.

She looked up to see it was me and nodded in acknowledgment and resumed drinking. I went to the fridge and saw that there was ingredients for omelet. I grabbed the stuff and laid down on the counter and started cooking.

"You want an omelet?" I asked while I cooked.

"Sure," she simply responded.

I put the omelet that I already cooked on a plate and served to Lauren who mumbled thanks and started eating. I finished cooking mine and put on the plate while I put the dirty dishes in the sink and starting eating my breakfast.

" and Tia?" Lauren finally spoke.

"Yup," I simply responded.

"Don't you have a daughter? How did she respond to that?" She asked curiously.

"I do have a daughter, True. Sinclair treats her like if she was her daughter and I just simply adore them," I sighed as I thought of True and Sin's relationship.

"That must be nice," she said.

"Yeah, can I ask you something?" I asked her making her nod in response.

"How are you doing? Especially with your parents and Sinclair?"

"I-I'm heartbroken that my own parents don't accept me for who I like. Sometimes, it's hard for me to connect with them like the way I connect with Tia. I feel like I can tell anything to her and won't be judged for. Sometimes, I wish Sinclair was my mom," Lauren murmured as she stared off into the air.

"Well, don't worry about Sin. She loves you and cares deeply about you. You guys have a some sort of mother/daughter bond. And for your parents? Fuck them, they lost their perfectly beautiful daughter," I told her as I gently held her hands in mine.

"Thanks Khlo," she smiled bashfully.

"Now, I'm dying, who's the girl you like?" I grinned.

"Well-" Lauren started but was interrupted by Sinclair who walked into the kitchen yawning while stretching.

"Morning girls," she said as she pecked Lauren's head and went behind me to wrap her arms around my waist, "What's going on?"

"Hush babe, Lauren was about to tell me who's the girl she likes," I shushed her.

"Isn't it Camila?" She nonchalantly said making Lauren's jaw drop which in-turn making mine to drop.

"H-how did you know?" Lauren stuttered.

"Easy, I know you Lo. Plus I'm pretty sure Camila likes you back," Sin said as she rested her chin on top of my head.

"She does?" She smiled shyly.


"Cool..." Lauren smiled as she got off the chair and stretched her back hearing the crack, "Well, I'm going back to sleep. Bye guys."

She waved at us as she walked back to her room while Sinclair and I stood in the kitchen in our embrace.

"So, what do you want to do?" She asked as she began to rock us.

"Well, it's 6am, we can go to the beach later? I can bring True along with us and the girls" I suggested.

"Yes beach time and True!" She let out a cheer causing me to giggle.

She turned me around to face her and my breath was caught once she laid her eyes on mine. Her eyes were full of love and joy as she slowly smiled big, showing off her deep dimples that added a childlike charm to her. My heart beat hard at the sight of her.

She leaned in but before our lips touched, she whispered, "I love you reina," and connected our lips.

I melted at the love and tenderness in the kiss and slowly wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her closer to me. Our mouths moved in rhythm that was perfect for this moment until we had to break it in order to get air for our lungs. Our breaths brushed against each other's lips as we stayed connected with our foreheads.

"I love you too babe," I softly murmured causing her to grin brightly.

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