Chapter 5

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"That moment, us sitting there watching the night sky, it stirred up something in me," I started, staring intensely into her eyes, "Something that's been there for 18 years."

"I-" Khloe tried to speak but I cut her off, "Please, Khloe. Let me finish this or I won't be able to do this."

She nodded silently and I continued, "Over these years, seeing you with Lamar and Tristan for long term really did me different. I was angry, very angry."

When I saw Khloe's downtrodden face, I knew she must be thinking that it was directly at her so I spoke out quickly, "Not at you, Khloe. At them, they had this beautiful gem for a partner and they ruined it by cheating like a low scumbag that they are."

I reached over to wipe the tear that has leaked from her face and caressed her cheek, "They have taken you for granted and gave you pain and heartache."

I sighed, "I wish..." I paused biting my lip, debating whether to say it or not but my decision was made.


"Please tell me," I whispered, leaning close to her as my heart pounds quickly. 

Just please say it.

"I wish it was me. Me who dates you, brings you out on these romantic dates where I'm cheesy as fuck, take you out a long walk on the beach during sunset and propose you, have an extravagant wedding, and have a growing family. The whole shebang," Sinclair confessed as tears leaked out of my eyes.

My heart swells up as I suddenly move on top of her, resting my hands on other side. My hair creates a curtain between us as I stared into her dark brown eyes. 

She reached up to wipe my tears and whispered, "I love you, Khloe."

With that, I immediately pressed my lips into hers and it was...fireworks. Her lips moved against which I responded back eagerly. I felt a tongue prod against my lip which I let it in, moaning as soon it came in contact with mine. 

After a minute, we broke apart leaving us breathing heavily. She has a goofy smile on her face causing me to giggle at her.

"I love you too, Sinclair. I actually had a crush on you since Kim brought you to our house for the first time," I admitted, leaning back against her legs. 

She let out an "O" face and teased, "I knew it. I had a feeling especially when you always stutter and your face gets red when I'm around."

I gasped and covered my face in embarrassment. She laughed, pulling my hands down from my face, "Don't worry, I thought you were cute."

"Were cute? Am I not cute anymore?" I crossed my arms, pretending to be mad.

The look of panic on her face was hilarious as she tried to please me, "No, I mean you're not cute. N-No, I didn't meant that way, you are cute, just not anymore."

I let out a laugh at her fumble and then she realized that I was messing around. She grabbed my hips and flipped us over with me on the bottom and herself on the top.

"You were messing around with me," She whispered huskily as her hands trailed over my arms until she entwined our hands together and pinned it over my head.

"Yep," I let out coyishly. 

She shook her head and smiled leaning down until our lips were just a breath apart.

"You are absolutely gorgeous, stunning. Even radiant. But one thing is definitely true, you are an amazing gorgeous badass mother to an absolute gem of a daughter named True," she said gazing into my eyes and with that, I leaned up to connect our lips.

With that, I knew I was loved and safe like the world would not hurt me at all.

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