Chapter 6

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After our confessions, Khloe and I ended up cuddling and ended up falling asleep. We ended up sleeping for three hours until Kim knocked on our door asking if we were okay and that dinner is available to eat downstairs. We told her we'll be down in a few.

I freshened up myself in the bathroom and came out to see an awake True in her mommy's arms.

"Ready?" I asked Khloe which she nodded. We both exited her bedroom and headed downstairs, into the kitchen where there is Chinese takeout dinner.

"Hey, we're eating in the living room with a movie on," Kim told us as she left.

I got my food and Khloe since she's holding True and led us into the living room where the clan was spread out in different seating. We took the couch and sat down, setting the food on the coffee table.

"You okay? I heard what happened from Kim" Kris asked as she took a bite.

"Yeah, we're good," I said as I exchange looks with Khloe which didn't go unnoticed by Kylie.

"Woahhh, what's that look?" Kylie spoke up, looking at us with excitement.

Khloe, all bashful, spoke up, "After the whole thing, we went back to my room where Sinclair...confessed."

"What?" "About time!" "Yeah, that's my best friend!" "Did you guys kiss?"

Loud cheers was heard throughout the room as everyone tried to overtalk others.

"What's going on here?" Kendall asked as True noticed me and Khloe on the couch and started reaching out for us while cooing.

"What do you mean, 'about time?' And yes, we kissed," Khloe informed.

With that, the girls started chatting about our recently developed relationship as Khloe handed me True who giggled excitedly with her hands on my cheek. The girls started to converse about us while my attention was on True.

"Hi, princesa!" I said softly, smiling as she taps my cheek her her tiny hands then leaned in to open kiss my nose.

My nose scrunched up making her laugh loudly catching the attention Khloe and the girls who just awed at us and took pictures.


After that, we decided to watch a movie to ease the overall tension from today. I moved myself to lay down across the couch with True laying down on my and Khloe cuddled to my side with a hand on True. Kylie, Kendall, and Kourtney took the other couch while Kris sat in her recliner.

It wasn't until 12pm that the movie ended and I noticed True has fallen asleep on me. We turned off the television and got up from our seats to go bed. I slowly got up with True in my arms, making sure not to wake her up as I said my good nights to the girls who in turned replied their nights.

Khloe smiled softly at the sight of True in my arms and took ahold one of my hands that wasn't holding True to lead me upstairs to True's bedroom.

I entered the room that was decorated in pink with large letters that spelled out True on one wall. I walked to the white crib to gently put True down onto the mattress and covered her with a blanket. I softly brushed her hair then leaned in to give her a kiss on the forehead while saying, "Goodnight princesa."

Khloe stood by the door as she watched us. After I finished, I noticed that she was daydreaming I cleared my voice softly, catching her attention.

She smiled and walked to the crib to give True her night kiss and grabbed my hand to lead me out of the room, closing the door behind her quietly. We both walked down the stairs to the front door where my car is and stopped at the door.

We both stared at each other in comfortable silence. Then, Khloe puts her hands on my chest as I put my on her waist, wanting to touch her.

"I'll see you in a few days? I mean I have training since I have the tournament coming up," I explained.

Khloe nodded and leaned up to take my lips in hers and move against it in a slow passionate kiss making me close my eyes. She pulled away making me whine in displeasure as I opened my eyes to be greeted with hazel with green tint eyes.

"I'll see you soon," Khloe said softly while biting her bottom lip.

I nodded and broke away from her to head for my car. Before I left the doorstep, I pecked her lips and said, "Goodnight Khloe."

She watched me as I got in the Jeep, turning it on then driving off the driveway while she touched her lips that tingled from my kiss and walked inside the house with a wide smile.

This has been the best day of my life.

With that, I have fallen asleep, allowing Morpheus consume me.

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