Chapter 14

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After an hour drive, we finally arrived at the zoo. She pulled into a parking spot that was close to the entrance and got out to open my side door while helping me out. After that, she went to her trunk to grab the stroller while I went to True's side and got her out of her car seat.

"Here you go," Sin said as she came to me with the pink stroller, allowing me to strap True to it. Sinclair pushed the stroller as I cuddled to her side and walked to the front entrance where she bought the tickets for us.

As we walked inside, I grabbed a zoo map and saw that we are near the flamingo section so we went there.

"Look True, flamingos," I pointed out showing True the pink birds.

"Mmh Khlo, I don't think she's interested in flamingos," She chuckled making me look to see True's uninterested face.

"Alright, let's go to the monkeys since they're the next stop," I said making Sin cheered excitedly.

I looked at her with amused face and giggled as we walked to the monkeys.

"What? Monkeys are my favorite animals! In fact that used to be my nickname that dad always called me when I was younger," she explained making me nod.

We reached the cage where we saw couple monkeys swinging from branch to branch. Sinclair went to take True from her stroller and held her in arms while pointing out.

"Look Princesa, monkeys!" She smiled widely making True giggle and squeal at the sight.

My heart beater fast in happiness at the sight of my two favorite people interacting with each other. I took out my phone to capture this sweet moment between my daughter and my girlfriend. 

Can't wait for us to have a child of our own. Wait... what?

I shook out of my thoughts when I heard True babbling to Sin who was nodding in agreement about what True was saying. I giggled and decided to move on to the next one so I caught their attention.

"Guys, you ready to go?"

She pouted at me making True copy her pout.

"Do we have to?" She whined making me shake at her childish antics.

"Yes babe, don't worry we'll come back after we seen the others," I told her making her smile and nodded.

We continued to walk with Sinclair holding True on her shoulders and saw various animals like zebras, lions, giraffes, and penguins. We finally arrived at my favorite animal stop, the sea otters.

I squealed once I arrived at the aquarium that shows the sea otters and ran to it.

"Wow, mommy must love otters," I heard what she said to True behind me as I stared at the otters with fascination.

Sinclair and True finally reached to me and watched the otters. True reached to touch the glass where the otter was on the other side and started babbling to the animal.

She wrapped her arm around my waist making me lean back into her while sighing in happiness. She kissed on top of my head. An older couple walked passed us and took notice of us.

"You guys make a beautiful family," the older lady said making me blush and grin at her.

I went to reply to tell her that we're not a family but Sinclair interrupted me.

"Thanks! I love my family," she said proudly making me look at her in wonder.

The older couple walked away as she held True in her arms as she started at me.

"You think us as your family?"

Sin's eyes soften at the question and replied, "Khloe, I already think you as my girlfriend and True as my daughter. You guys are my forever family."

I giggled at the sight and said, "Of course. You're also my forever family," I took her hand making her pull me close to her and leaned to to kiss my lips gently which I responded.

I heard giggling making me slowly broke away from the kiss to see True smiling at us with her fist in her mouth.

"You want a kiss princesa?" Sinclair cooed to True making her babble and Sin kissed her all over her face causing True laugh loudly.

I grinned at the sight and took a picture of the scene. Sinclair stopped kissing her and gave her one final kiss on her head and gave me her hand for me to hold.

"Alright, it's almost 3pm and we have to go back to the monkeys and we'll leave to get food," Sin said while pulling me to her.

We went back to the monkey section for few minutes then left the zoo. We stopped by Burger King to get dinner along the way home. True has fallen asleep in her car seat while I held her hand as she drove.

We finally arrived at my house around 9pm. She parked the car in the driveway and helped me out of the car then went to get True out of her seat carefully. We walked to the door and I opened the door letting her inside to take the sleeping toddler up to her bedroom.

I closed the door behind me and followed Sinclair to see her putting True in her crib and kissed her gently on the forehead while saying goodnight. I smiled at the sight as we both exited her bedroom. We both went downstairs to the front door.

We both stood at the door in comfortable silence.

"I had fun today and so did True too," I said softly making her put her hands on my hip pulling me closer to her.

"Same, I was wondering if you want to do this again, maybe just you and me?" Sin smiled shyly making me nod.

She grinned making her dimple pop and leaned into kiss me on the lips with soft passion. I wrapped my arms around her neck as I tiptoed to reach to her. We kissed for few moments then broke it, leaning against each other's foreheads.

"I love you Khloe," she whispered out.

I looked into her eyes, my green eyes bored into her gray blue eyes.

"I love you too Sinny," I whispered against her lips then pulled into a kiss.

We kissed until we needed air and broke it.

"I have to go, it's late," Sinclair said making me whine and nodded reluctantly.

"Goodnight reina," she said as she pulled away and walked to get in her car.

I waved at her as she started the car and pulled out of the driveway. Her car finally disappeared from my sight as I went inside to go to sleep.

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