Chapter 21: You Care I Care

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It's been three months since Severus has proposed to me. I've been lucky enough to have Narcissa's help planning the wedding.

I've graduated Hogwarts, and most people have found out about me and Severus.

"I'm going dress shopping with Luna, and Neville today." I spoke from the bathroom to Severus.

"I can't believe we're getting married in two weeks?" "I know, it's crazy."

I said crawling on the bed, wrapping my arms around Severus, and placing my head on his chest.

"Well what if before you go we..." Snape said as he placed his hands under my shirt.

I leaned down and kissed him but before we were able to start anything a knock was at the door.

"Well I have to go, honey that would be them." "Seriously," Snape said letting out a frustrated breath. "Later."

I said sending him a wink and walking to the door, slipping on my shoes.

"Hey guys, ready to go?" "Yup let's go."

We arrived at the dress shop, a woman handing us champagne as we stepped through the doors. "Look, I'm not complaining about the free alcohol. But you do know we're under age right?"

I said sending the worker a smile. "Yes, I did know, and usually I wouldn't. But a young man called sayin that a woman and two friends were gonna come in and to give them everything they wanted."

"Oh," I blushed at the thought of Snape doing that, he still manages to surprise me. "Well I wouldn't say he's young."

I said with a chuckle looking at Luna and Neville, where they began to laugh with me.

"Okay," the woman said as she clapped her hands. "What are we thinking for the dress? Do you want something traditional like white with lace. Or untraditional, maybe a different color like a black etc?"

"I actually want something untraditional a black flowy dress with sleeves. To be exact." I spoke honestly.

"Alright any certain fabric?" "If I could I'd love satin."

"Well alright, let's move over here." She said as she sat us on the white sofa. "Imma go pull a few dresses, and then you can try them on."

She spoke with a smile, leaving to get dresses. "So Y/N you excited for the married life?" Neville asked me.

"Honestly it's a little scary, but I know it will be fine. And it's because it's Severus, or Snape. As you guys know him by that." Luna and Neville looked at eachother and back at me.

"I know you guys think it's weird, but I'm happy and it makes sense for me."

"We know N/N, as long as your happy." They said giving me a smile.

The woman walked over at the end of the conversation. "So I picked out four, I thought we could start out small.

I was also wondering if we were doing bridesmaids dresses?"

"No it's actually gonna be a very small wedding," I spoke with a smile.

I walked in the dressing room, "umm I need help." I said out loud with a laugh.

"Oh yes miss," the worker came in lacing up the back of the dress. I walked out turning to the mirror and immediately started to laugh.

"What's wrong miss?" The woman questioned me. "Excuse my language but no way. I look like a fucking cupcake. And also I know wedding dresses aren't supposed to be comfortable. But I truthfully think this dress is giving me rashes."

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