Chapter 16: Wish Everyday Was Like This

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(Song Recommend For Chapter "Lovers by Anna of the North")

I woke up this morning, to Severus quietly snoring by my side. It was about five am, and I couldn't fall back asleep.

So I decided I was going to hop in the shower and get ready for the day, then make breakfast for Severus.

I hopped in the shower, having the hot water, rinse off all the past few stressful days, I then hopped out and put on a pair of black sweats, and one of Severus's dress shirts.

After getting ready and throwing my hair in two french braids, I walked down the stairs and passed by Severus's study to see all the glass picked up and whiskey.

Even the knife Severus used on himself, cleaned up as well, it must have been Orion's doing, I thought. I walked into the kitchen to see Orion doing the dishes.

"Good morning Orion," "ah good morning miss N/N, I'm just doing the dishes." "Well Orion I was going to make breakfast, would you like to help me?" "I would love to help N/N make breakfast."

"Orion I need a little help," "yes miss, Orion can help with anything." "Well what is Severus's favorite breakfast?" "Oh, strawberry waffles, and a fruit bowl," "thank you let's get to work."

Me and Orion got to work making breakfast, we were laughing and enjoying each others time together, Orion was talking passionately about all the things he loved to do, especially reading, he was telling me about how he has always wanted to read Romeo & Juliet.

"Oh really, that book is so good, I actually have an extra copy with me.". I said wiping my hands off and quietly going upstairs, I grabbed the book before handing it to Orion. "Here." I said with a smile, "wait really?!" Orion happily asked. "Yes I'm serious, I also didn't know you could read?" I told him.

"Ah, yes I can but not all house elves can, master wanted me to learn, so I could help him deliver certain things, but I truly am grateful that I was taught to read, I was actually taught by the master himself." Orion willingly explained as a small smile appeared on his face.

"I didn't know Severus taught you to read." "Ah, yes master, truly is a good man to me, though he does have his moments."

Severus came downstairs, "good morning beautiful," "good morning, we made you breakfast, I thought that you might like it, you did have a rough night."

I sweetly explained to Severus, "thank you truly." "Of course love," I said walking over to the kitchen table and placing mine and Severus's food down.

Me and Snape ate and laughed, both enjoying each other's time together. "Well thank you Y/N, and Orion, it was a lovely breakfast, but I must be on my way. I promised Lucius I would help him with something."

"Ok sounds great," I said walking towards the door where he stood putting on his coat. "I love you," I said kissing him lightly on the lips. "I love you to bee." He said before parting ways, and apparating to The Malfoy Manor.

Me and Orion talked for a while, before I got tired and parted ways with him to go lay down, "well Orion, as much as I love your company, I am quite tired. So I think I'm going to take a nap."

I sweetly explained to him, before giving him a quick hug and heading up the stairs. I pulled my sweats off, and slipped into the soft bed. Immediately having the duvet cushion me, after only what seemed like a few seconds, I fell asleep to the soft wind blowing outside.

When I woke up after my nap, I saw a letter. It was written by no other than Severus Snape, you could never mistake his hand writing.

My love,
The past few days have been extremely stressful, especially last night. Which Is why I want to take you somewhere, show you how much you truly mean to me.

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