Chapter 7: I'm Sorry

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It's been a few days since I walked out of Dumbledore's office telling Snape I was gonna get more drugs.  

And I haven't had any luck, it's getting harder and harder without it.  The cravings are almost unbearable. 

They've gotten so bad not even candy can distract me anymore, so I've moved on to something harder.  Snape's secret Whiskey stash he keeps hidden in his drawer.

I'm getting ready to head to potions, the first time I've been since I told Snape I was getting drugs.  When I heard a knock on my door, I chugged the glass of Whiskey I had, before yelling for them to come in. 

"Good morning love, where you at?" Luna questioned as she walked in.  "I'm in here!" I yelled from the bathroom rinsing my Whiskey cup out. 

"God, it smells like alcohol in here have you been drinking?" She questioned me as she looked me in my eyes.

"No." I said with a giggle, I did my nails this morning, so I used rubbing alcohol to take off my previous nail polish." I said looking her in the eyes, glad I decided to paint my nails last night.

"Ah, that makes so much more sense." She said with a little giggle, "well I didn't come in here just because, I brought you your mini fridge." She said with a smile gesturing to my bed.

"Oh my, I completely forgot about this thank you much," I said picking it up and putting it on my window seal.

"Well it wasn't me who got it, but Neville did want me to say sorry he didn't give it to you sooner, he's been busy with the test before fall break gets out.  He also wanted me to say sorry he didn't drop it off himself, he's in the greenhouse today."

"Oh that's fine, looks like I'll have to stop by the the greenhouse on my free period to thank him." I said with a smile.

"Well do you wanna walk to class together?" Luna asked, "don't you have Defense Against Dark Arts?" I questioned not remembering for sure what she had. "No I have potions, today Dumbledore switched it for some bizarre reason, which I don't understand as to why.  Because fall break will be here soon anyway."

She said with a giggle, "yeah I wonder why?" I said putting on my shoes and grabbing my robe.  But I knew exactly why, Dumbledore's thinking if he puts me in a class with one of my friends that it will help me.  But how is that supposed to work when she's doesn't even know what's going on.

I thought to myself as I entered Snape's classroom, "oh I almost forgot, I finished the book.  And I can't lie it's really good." She said pulling it out of her bag with a guilty look on her face.

"I knew you would like it!" I said taking it from her hands and placing it on my books.  Snape walked in the classroom, immediately starting to talk about what is to come the next few weeks.

"Class this next week we will be studying a potion, that I will later have you make." Hermione raised her hand instantaneously, but no surprise there.  "Miss Granger," Snape said in a very unamused voice.  "What potion will it be sir?" She questioned, "well if you allowed me to finish, I would have said.  It's the Amortentia." He said raising his eyebrow and and cocking his head to the side.

Causing me to let out a small giggle, "oh miss Y/L/N, didn't think you would have showed up today.  But sorry for me to assume that, I mean it's not like you haven't shown up any other day."

"Well sorry professor, you ever by chance think that I don't show up because I don't want to.  I mean it's you after all."

"Nice one." I hear someone say behind me hitting me on the back, I turn around to find Draco.  I give him a side eye.  Before turing my attention on Snape again.

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