Chapter 13: The Remodel

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I woke up this morning with the sound of birds chirping, and the sound of someone in the kitchen. I rolled out of bed to realize it was Severus, he was making morning tea.

"Hey love," "oh hi bee you scared me." Severus said as he put the tea kettle on the stove. "I'm sorry," I said with a small giggle, "I'm going to get ready, brush my teeth and do my other morning duties." I explained to him, "ok sounds good, today is warm so you might want to wear shorts, also I have a surprise later.

"Ok i'll wear shorts, and what's the surprise?" I said with a wide grin plastered on my face. "I can't tell you that," "ok fine."

After washing my face, brushing my teeth, and throwing on a pair of jeans shorts and a white t-shirt. I went downstairs to find Severus making smoothie bowls, and a tea ready for me.

"Don't you look gorgeous," "thanks Sev." "Here's a smoothie bowl and tea." Severus said, "thank you." I responded as I stirred in the birth control Sev gave me.

"I'm going to get ready, and when your done, were going for a walk." "Ok," I said slamming a spoon-full of my smoothie in my mouth.

As I placed my dishes in the sink, Severus came out in a white t-shirt, and a pair of baggy black jeans.

"Sev, I would never think you would wear jeans, let alone have that in your closet." "Well bee, if your gonna be making fun of me I'm going to change." "Wait don't, I like this look on you."

"Well thank you, now are you ready to go." "Yup just got to slip on my shoes." After slipping on my shoes, we went on the walk, that I assume was taking us to the surprise he had for me.

After walking for about seven minutes, we stopped at an old bridge with chipping paint. I saw four buckets of different paint, two white, one black, and Y/F/C.

"I thought maybe we could re-paint the bridge, together." "Wait really, I would love to!" "But don't you have to own the property?" I questioned him, "Y/N, this is my property," "wait really?!" "Yeah," "that's awesome!"

I said walking to the paint buckets, "well let's get to work." I said as I started to chip at the old paint, after chipping all the paint off, we began painting it white.

After painting it all white and waiting for it to dry, me and Severus sat on a blanket layed down, Orion then came out with a picnic set, and a bottle of red wine.

"Good morning Orion, let me help you." I said getting up from the blanket, to help Orion as he was struggling carrying the basket and the red wine.

After grabbing the picnic set from Orion, he brought the the wine over and set are food out and poured are wine. "Thank you Orion," I said with a smile.

"Your welcome, but Orion must be on his way." "Wait Orion," Severus said surprising us, "would you like to join us." He said surprising me and Orion.

"Rea-really sir?" "Yeah, come on," he said patting the seat next to him, Orion's face broke out into a huge smile as he waddled over and sat down.

"You guys are so nice to me," Orion spoke. "I know I can't believe it Snape must have turned over a new leaf." I spoke breaking into a laugh.

"Hey, I'll flip that leaf back over," Snape spoke back harshly. "No!" Orion leaped towards me giving me a hug.

"Orin gave me a hug, and I saw Severus smiling a small smile, me and Orion broke from the hug. We then began to eat, it was really sweet seeing Severus treat Orion as an equal, they were laughing and smiling together.

After we were done eating, Orion began cleaning up. "Oh don't worry I got it," Severus said as he waved his hand and it was cleaned up, Orion began to stand up and walk back to the house. "Oh hey Orion," "yes miss," "firstly, call my N/N, and...take the day off." I said handing the bottle of wine to Orion, and giving him a wink.

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