Chapter 5: The Truth Is Out

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I woke up this morning with a terrible headache, it took me a minute to remember what happened yesterday but when I realized what I did I rolled over and threw a pillow over on top of my head.

I got up sitting on the edge of my bed, chugging the cup of water on my nightstand.

When I set my now empty water cup down, I saw a note.

Dear Y/N,
I know you had a tough day yesterday, so I went out of my way to excuse you from all your classes.
So take some time to yourself.
You need it.
. Draco

Ps. You should really invest in a mini fridge, they work like miracles.

I put the note down, "I should really invest in a mini fridge." I said with a laugh as I got up and started the shower.

I hopped into the shower, having the nice warm water fall over my aching body.

When I got out I threw on a pair of sweats, a tee-shirt, and a pair of fluffy socks. As I was brushing my hair out, I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I yelled out, Luna and Neville walked in. "Oh hey guys," "I love you Y/N, but you look like shit, are you feeling ok?"

Neville asked me, "hi to you to, I've missed you to," I said with a light giggle. "I know I look like shit, I feel like shit."

I said collapsing on the bed next to them, "are you gonna come to your last few classes?" Luna asked me, "no I don't feel up to it today." "Ok we'll come by later and drop you off dinner."

Neville said taking my hand and giving it a squeeze, "sounds like a plan guys, Oh wait," "yes..." Luna asked, "do you guys know where I can get a mini fridge?"

"Really is that all," Luna said with a laugh, "yes." I said laughing back.

"I'm actually getting one for my dorm with Harry and Ron, so I can get you one."

Neville said, "yeah that would be awesome, I'll pay you back." "No need, consider it an apology for stealing all your shoes and hiding them when I was high."

He said with a laugh, "have you even found those shoes yet?" "No I haven't."

I said causing us to all laugh, "well we better be on are way. The free period will be over soon."

Luna said, "We love you!" They said closing my door.

I spent the next few hours reading, and going through my closet. When Luna came up with dinner. "Here you go...I have to go and do homework, but I love you. Hopefully I'll see you in the morning."

She said as she walked to my door, "hey read that book." I said with a giggle, "ok I will love you, love." She said before leaving my dorm.

I ate Before deciding that I should go and see Snape, I slipped on my slippers threw my hair in a messy bun, and threw on a hoodie, not caring what I looked like. As most of the people will already be in their commons or dorm's.

I walked into Snape's classroom, finding him reading a newspaper with what looks to be a sweet glass of Whiskey on his desk.

I knocked on the door frame alerting him that I'm here, "ahh, Y/L/N. How are you doing?" "I'm doing umm, well.". I said eyeballing that glass of Whiskey on his desk.

I looked up to him trying to distract myself from the Whiskey, "umm sorry I didn't come today for detention, I umm I wasn't feeling good." I said moving my eyes back to the Whiskey.

"Oh no need to lie, I know what happened, what Draco did.". My eyes darted from the Whiskey to his eyes. "How did you find out?". I questioned, "who do you think told us..."

"Us?! Who else knows?". "Draco told me and Lucius, he wanted to help you.".

"Of course he told because when one big ass problem comes up he can't do anything, he's a little coward.". I said with frustration.

"You know what I deserve this," I said grabbing the glass of Whiskey, I tried to chug as much as I could before Snape ripped it out of my hands. "Y/N! What the hell do you think your doing?"

Snape yelled, as I coughed from the burning sensation going down my throat, "I deserve that son of a bitch. I mean you already know what happened so why not just tell you, the craving is so god damn hard not to give in.

God damnit why'd I have to give in!" I said turning around ignoring Snape's presence and grabbing the side of my head. "I mean I was trying to stop, but it was right there, and-and; oh my god that's why their dead, I mean I'm the reason they died I'm the reason he's dead!"

I said pacing in a circle. "I should of never got into it, I was such a good kid. I had everything a kid could of dreamed of."

I said with tears falling down my face. I totally forgot that Snape was listening to everything I was saying until he spoke.

"What do you mean their dead because of you, that he died? What are you talk-;" and that's when he came to a stop. I quickly turned around, knowing that he just figured out the secret I've been trying to hide for so long.

"Your family...they are dead because-cause you were doing drugs..."

"Way to go! You figured out the secret I've been trying to hide for so long, I mean wow you really are smart." I said with a laugh and smile.

"But...that doesn't make sense your family , they didn't do drugs, Dumbledore got insight on your family. They didn't die from drugs, they were who mur-."

He spoke quietly before coming to a hault, "I looked at him with wide eyes knowing what he was thinking. "I didn't do that, you should know that, it was-umm-it was-;"

"Who the hell was it Y/N! Cause what your saying does not sound very promising!" "It was my-my-"

"Your what!" "My drug dealer ok! He killed my family, my little brother because I didn't pay him in time. I had the money ok, I was gonna give it to him the day-the day he killed my family, I mean I was gonna give him it a day earlier then he even said! But he still did it, he still killed my family the day before my time limit was done. I had the money I had it-i mean it was in my hands I was at his home, and I got a call from are maid, and she was crying. I thought maybe father yelled at her again, but I was wrong she told me some guy broke in and killed them all my little brother. I dropped the money and I ran home and there they were, all dead. So no I didn't kill them. He did.

But you should be happy now you know my whole life story. I'm leaving goodnight."

I said closing the door behind me and leaving Snape to digest all that he heard.

Author Note
Oh my so I finally updated this chapter, wow crazy right. I hope you guys liked it. You finally know what happened to Y/N's parents.

I just want to say thank you to everyone that does read my chapters it truly does mean a lot.

And I hope you guys have a wonderful day, or night where you are in this world.

And remember to drink water and smile 😊 😘

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