"Maybe we should go back inside."

"Too late, school's almost over. And why? Don't you wanna say hi to your... friend?" She tries to keep a straight face but I notice the mischief in her eyes and I'd scowl if Tyler didn't start jogging towards us. "Wow, see? He wants to say hi. I'll leave you two alone."


"Hey." I freeze. Like I wasn't already aware of him coming this way. Victoria smiles before excusing herself in such an awful dramatic way. But I'm glad Tyler doesn't seem to notice, his eyes are solely on me when I stare up.

I respond to his greeting but it gets masked by the loud sound of the bell for closing. Great. Now I have to say hi twice.

"Going home now?"

"Yes. I mean, the bell's gone off already so.." plus I don't have any meeting to attend 'cause it's not like I haven't been kicked out the MJR club— I finish in my head. In my head because saying it out loud will only make me look bitter. And it'd be a bit uncomfortable for him as well I guess, since there's nothing he can do to help, and when you've got a problem a guy can't help with, it usually makes them feel uncomfortable. Information I've gotten from the internet that are mostly at least twenty percent accurate.

"I could drop you off." He says, and I realize we've started walking into the parking lot together.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I can. If you want."

I stare up at the side of his face, hoping his facial expressions can show a better answer than because he can. It doesn't, anyway. All I'm met with is a perfect jawline and perfect lips. His dark blonde hair has gotten longer than before so about a strand or two are reaching below his eye. No better answers, just a nice view of his better than average features.

"I've already got someone I could call."

"Not going home with your friend anymore?"

"Have you been stalking me, Tyler Jones?"

He sighs. "Melissa. Let me take you home, okay? I'm literally trying so hard here."

My entire body gets warm, so much that I have to bite down an unwanted smile. "Well... Fine. I guess. Since you're begging." I look him straight in the eye when saying the last part as a taunt, but he doesn't even care to play offended. He just shakes his head like it's tough talking to me.

His car is the same Tesla 312 that's blue like his eyes. And the inside still smells like him. Always fresh out the shower.

I wiggle my bottom on the cool leather seat, laughing a little to myself at how silly that is before getting wide-eyed when I remember Tyler's right beside me. He didn't hear me— Thankfully— too busy wearing his seatbelt and checking if there are any cars behind us.

I didn't even tell Victoria I was leaving.

She probably wouldn't mind anyway.

In no time we're on the Main Street, going downtown where Eden estate is. Going downtown in silence. And it's not the comfortable kind. Or maybe it is? Taking side glances at Tyler, he seems pretty okay. Attractive. I mean okay with the silence.

Did he really beg just to drive me home in silence?

"Hello," I greet.

He turns to me with a raised brow, taking his eyes from the road to me repeatedly. "Um, hi."

I nod and look away. But I can still see his puzzled stare from the side, it becomes static when we stop at the traffic light.


"What you mean, what?" He chuckles, then stops when I don't join in. "You're... that was weird."

"What was?"

"Saying hello outta no where."

"It's not. What's weird is us sitting in silence for so long. I— the radio isn't even on."

"Right. I could turn the radio on if you want?"

"It's not that. I've figured you're not a fan and it's fine, but you could.. talk, you know."

"Oh. Uh, yeah. Shit, sorry. Just kinda nervous."

"Nervous? You've got a test, or it's something to do with football?"

The light goes green, his eyes stay on me longer regardless, before he takes them back to the road. Ignoring my question.

I have a debate in my head about whether or not I'd be an annoying pain in the neck if I press on. The part that says I'd be but who cares? wins.

"What's up?"


"Everything okay, why're you nervous?"

"You." He states matter of factly. "Anyone in their proper mind would be nervous around you."

My cheeks get hot when I first take it as a mild compliment.

But they get hotter when I think of it as an insinuation that I talk too much, which is no longer a compliment.

"How are you?"

"I'm... fine. You?"

"Great." He answers, biting on his bottom lip then letting it go. "How's the blog coming along?"

"Fine." I grumble. And he laughs because it's apparently funny to grumble.

"Doesn't sound so fine, does it."

I sigh. "It's not the blog, it's just.. things at home."

He glances at me with concern. "What's it, your dad?"

"No, it's not him, he's present enough really."

"So, what's it?"

"My sister. She's mad at me... sort of. And a bunch of other things that've been on my mind— The thing is, Danielle found something in my room that belonged to mom and wasn't too happy about it, to say the least. She knew I'd gotten it from the garage 'cause that's where all mom's things are kept, she went on a rant about how I shouldn't have gone there and... Got even madder when she found out I'd taken my brother there."

"But the truth is, Tyler, I don't want to... be that way. I— I can't even explain it."

The car comes to a stop. I'm about asking why, then I, surprised, see we're already parked at the side of my gate.

Tyler lets out a huge sigh, shifts in his seat to face me. I try not to pout when I look at him.

"What did your sister find in your room?"

I blink, dumbfounded. "I'd rather not say. Just something that belonged to mom— I don't want to be afraid anymore, I'm tired of feeling triggered when things related to her come up and I'm sick and tired of not going into that garage. But my sister wants me to never go there again."

As there's no sound from the radio or us, the car goes eerily quiet. We're both looking at each other but there's something more intense about him. He seems to be a bit scared on my behalf. It's probably 'cause I haven't told him what I found, making it seem more mysterious than a cracked video tape.

"I think— I think your sister's right."

"Right about what?"

"You shouldn't go there. Again. If she's telling you that, it's gotta be for a reason. I think you should do what she says."

My mouth falls open, and I must be staring at him like he's a whole other person because he is. He's supposed to be on my side, tell me I'm on the right track. That's what the writer of the write-up I'd read two weeks ago would tell me. Well, if they knew me. Face what scares you the most. Get through the eye of the storm.

Not 'do what she says.'

"Well, I won't." I spell out to him, before grabbing my bag and leaving the car.

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