CHAPTER 31 ~Messy~

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I pulled my hair into a half up and put on some mascara. Hoping I could talk to Matt today, but that was undecided.

I was meeting him for lunch, so I thought it would be good to find out why he lied.

I cranked up the music in the car with Matt. There was an awkward silence. Almost like we both knew something was up.

"Back to december" by Taylor swift played while I look at him, hoping he says something. But he doesn't. I hope he was looking at me, when I wasn't. Hoping I would say something.

When we arrived, the conversation started. "This place is really good, the sandwiches are the best in town, or so I heard." He says, smiling

I look at him and smile, "I'll check it out." I said, beginning to look down.

"The Turkey one looks good." He said, trying to spark conversation. I look at him. I realized I should go through this lunch date and confront him after, incase things go south. I don't think they will.

"For sure, how's your sisters?" I said smiling

He smiled back, excited I started making conversation.


I lied to Amelia. If you were me, you may have to. I overheard their conversation, and I could just tell there was still something there between them.

So I came up with a way to make Jeremiah look bad. I know I shouldn't have done it, or atleast not like that. But I did.

I picked her up and she got in. She smiled at me and looked at the window. There was something wrong.

We didn't talk much the whole car ride. I was figuring out things to say in my head when she cranked up the music. I didn't think she wanted to talk.

I would look at her, but she wouldn't look at me. Does she know what I did? How could she tho?


"Thank you for lunch Matt!" I said, walking out the door with him holding it for me

"Of course." He says, smiling at me expecting me to say the next thing

"I have to talk to you tho." I say

His face drops. "For sure. What's up?" He says

"Why did you lie to me about Jeremiah cheating on me?" I say, trying not to seem angry

"I don't know what your talking-" he says, stopping himself mid way. "Amelia, you and him were just going out." He says

"What?" I said, not knowing where this was going

"You and him have chemistry. Everyone can see it. I had to make him look bad for our sake." He said, upset

"There is nothing between me and him, Matt. There is nothing there I promise!" I said

"You don't have to lie to yourself. I was just jealous, that's why I did it." He said

I sighed. I should maybe just forgive him. "I can't date someone who is still jealous of my ex. Me and Jeremiah are friends. You can't just break that up because your jealous. It's best if we be friends." I said, not knowing how he will react

"Amelia, please give me one more chance. I haven't been crazy about anyone like this before, please." He begged

I sighed and looked away for a minute. "Ok fine. I expect more from you Matt, come on." I said, disappointed

"Okay, Okay, do you want me to drive you home?" He said

"I'll drive myself, thanks Matt." I said, walking away

I didn't know what to feel, I felt numb. I need to find something to make myself feel better

I called one of my friends, Anita. "Hey girl, what's up?" She said , putting on mascara.

"Hey, where are you going? I said

"To a party, wanna come?" She said, smiling.

I was gonna say no. I need to get my mind off things. Im gonna go to the party with her!

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