CHAPTER 9 ~Im sorry~

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Today is Fourth of July! I have to meet my dads girlfriend today. Yikes. As I'm getting ready I hear the doorbell ring. Its them! I scrunch my hair one more time then run downstairs. I was a little late. " Hi! Sorry I'm a little late. Nice to meet you." I say shaking her hand. By everyone's awkwardness I could tell this convo was a little rough before I came. Oh well!

I was sobbing. My boyfriend cheated on me. I found out from one of my friends. Belly was comforting me. It was 9:00 pm. I'm so happy this didn't happen in front of everyone. Jeremiah knocked on the door. "Amelia-" I interrupted, " Jeremiah leave. This doesn't concern you" I said sobbing. Jeremiah looked heartbroken. He left and I didn't realize what I did till the next day.

My Best Friend, Jeremiah Fisher.Where stories live. Discover now