CHAPTER 6 ~Did he just kiss me?~

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I'm going to work with Jere today! I couldn't wait! His job is a life Gaurd, and I love the pool. Perfect match! We get there and it's so pretty. This is where we have all of our deb meetings as well. He shows me where to get food, and where the bathroom is. I should come more often.

I'm talking to Jeremiah for like the 50th time. "You should work here too, kids barely drown!" I just laugh at him and tease him. I like to say randomly "Oh My Gosh! That kid is drowning!" Just to scare him. He freaks out, it's hilarious!

We're sitting in the chairs , talking, of course. He sees Gigi walking up and he rolls his eyes, " I told her I don't like her! She can't take a hint" I sigh and say, "That sucks man. I wish I could do something." He begins, " I have an idea. Just play along" He kisses me. In front of everyone. It wasn't just a peck either it was like, full on kissing. He stops and says, " look." Gigi was walking off , visibly very mad. I high five him, acting like that I wasn't completely flabbergasted. Am I dreaming, or did that just happen.

My Best Friend, Jeremiah Fisher.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum