CHAPTER 5 ~ She's Mine. ~

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Ever since this summer, I can't stop thinking of Amelia. She looks so different but acts the same. Different in a good way. I like her. I don't know if that good or not but I can't help it! When I look at her , I just wish we were dating. I don't think she feels the same.

I go into the kitchen, I see Mils. "Hi jere-bere!" She says. I pretend to hate that name, but I love it. Only she can call me that, not dumb ass Gigi. I hate rich girls like that, all they want is you to spend money on them and hook up. That's all they want. I tell Amelia I'm going to work, and she wants to come. This day just got a lot better.

My Best Friend, Jeremiah Fisher.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora